Letter to the Editor: “A Change of Heart”

Re: Jeremy Rifkin’s “A Change of Heart.” Date: October 24, 2016

Dear Editor:

Humans have been hunters before the birth of fire. Back then, the comfort of a pig before it was killed was not even a thought that crossed people’s minds. Over the years, all that’s happened is that we have become more efficient hunters, so to make the argument of treating animals more like humans is to set us up as murderers. The meat-eating lifestyle of the world will not stop based on a handful of studies regarding their future dinner.

In regards to animal testing and experiment, that is a different situation altogether — I personally like my bacon untouched by MAC makeup. Though i still remain indifferent about animal testing, I feel the repercussions land on the conscience of the tester. Humans are selfish creatures and always look for what’s best for our species, but to attempt to provide luxuries such as toys will effectively put animals before children who can’t afford such things. The idea of treating a cow or chicken as my equal is ridiculous.


Allen Agas

Dear Editor:

A good point was brought to attention by Jeremy Rifkin- Animals do have feelings and abilities, similar humans. I agree but this is nothing new. Animals, do, need attention and “The lack of mental and physical stimuli can result in deterioration of health.” But this is an obvious fact.

Animals are like humans:Rifkin demonstrated that clearly with facts and statistics- But the facts were something most of us knew including pet owners. If you believe the natural selection of evolution, where would we get our sense of feeling? From animals, therefore they are not that much different from us.

Maybe there were a few experiments and explanations that led me to have different thoughts about animals but it was not shocking. Pigs have feelings- just like humans. What’s new?

Throughout the article, Rifkin basically explains how animals have feelings- very thoroughly. But, for what? To change people’s minds about killing animals and eating them? How to care for pets? Rifkin gave us information that would only inform us, not persuade us.

Shelly Avelino

