The NFL aka The No Fun League

Photo by: Jake Kring-Schreifels. Source:

The NFL is the ultimate entertainment business for the United States and all the players involved are annoyed with the crackdowns on celebrations-they’re not allowed to express their emotions on the field and if they do, they’ll be fined.

This needs to change immediately. Players feel like they are being treated like robots because the league expects them to be “professional” about everything, but how do you show no emotion when you’ve been taught your whole life to leave everything you got on the field?

Not being able to celebrate can affect the way players play too, they’ll probably feel like it’s just a regular job and they’re being used which would most likely lead to another lockout.

But let’s ask the question why now. Why is the NFL so against player celebrations?

According to the Article No Fun League Still Makes No Sense by Will Leitch “The NFL believes it has to set a good example for young people out there…A worse example, say, than huge men bashing their skulls against one another for our entertainment, or an endless deluge of commercials for alcoholic beverages, or the encouragement to cheer men accused (or convicted of!) domestic violence, sexual assault or all sorts of other horrors,”

Also, the league thinks it can lead to revenge because of course the main reason for payback violence is the dancing after the 200+ pound man just got done scoring or laid a big hit on someone.

Another reason why the NFL doesn’t like players celebrating is that it delays the game-but if you’ve ever been to a football game “85 percent of the time spent at a football game involves twiddling your thumbs waiting for television commercials to end.”

And just like everyone’s mind set before marijuana has been legalized, they made it legal only because they can finally kind of control & tax it now-in the NFL it’s illegal to celebrate because they can’t control it. “The NFL is a league that demands control — control over its teams, its players, its television rights, its image, its reputation, its message and of course, above all else, its money. Individualism is a threat to that; the messiness of humanity always gets in the NFL’s way…But they do make the league feel as if it is in control. It can’t stop you from dancing. But it can shame you for it. This seems the key to all of it: The NFL doesn’t hate dancing. It hates personality. It hates a personality other than its own.”

The NFL needs to rethink its ways, “Celebrating a TD will get you fined but being an abuser can keep the checks coming in”-Torrey Smith. Make a change.

Michael M. is a current high school student, Who loves getting involve in discussions that topics with sports.

