Today’s Election perspective on immigration.

Who do we support? What are our thoughts on this?

Credit: Wikipedia

As the election started off, not many people payed much attention until Donald Trump started to bash Mexicans for all of the economic problems America has. This reminds me of Adolf Hitler, when he blamed the Jews for their loss in war and the debts to be paid. His way of thinking was that if he wiped out Judaism and kept them out, then there wouldn’t be anymore problems.

Hillary Clinton’s talks about immigration and her words are “ I’ll end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers and help more eligible people become naturalized.” this is more focusing on helping others get a citizenship than Trump wanting to build a wall.

What is a wall going to do? There is immigrants from all over the world that come to the United States! Of course there is more white people but their backgrounds are from Europe! It makes them and their ancestors immigrants as well. This isn’t just about ethnicity, it’s about the color of your skin.

Clinton wants to make it easier for immigrants to get a citizenship, she is more focused on wanting help others and make education easier when having to pay debts. Trump focuses more on wanting to build a wall and banning Muslims from coming into the United States.

Credit: Wikipedia,_2015_(cropped).jpg

In my opinion, I see as that the only reason Trump became so popular this election, it is because of all the insane things that were coming out of this Man’s mouth. Also because of a lot of Americans are afraid with all the bombings, Trump took advantage and started saying things that would catch the audience attention.

Not only that, but Trump keeps a book of Hitler next to his bed. Why would we want a President, where he admires Hitler, the person who tried to make the Jews become extinct! Many people have different opinions on this, but mine is that this man is absurd.

Credit: Wikipedia

Although Clinton doesn’t have all the right ideas either, she has better points than Trump and being the wife of an ex president is better to be trusted. Hopefully Bill Clinton will guide Hillary if she wins election this year. If so, then America will hopefully have less racist judgments against immigrants with the help of Clinton.

Besides other issues, Immigration has been the most controversial topic in the Election, and it has affected many candidates, because of their point of views. Instead, they should worry about making Education cheap, and making the First two years of Community college free. That would be a more relevant Topic.

Victoria L. is a current high school student who is very interested when it comes to discussing immigration and this years election.

