Women Have Their Own Rights Too

By: Kelsie L.

Source: John Finn. https://www.flickr.com/photos/johnfinn

Women’s rights are completely different compared to men. In previous years, men have always had more rights than women. However, until recently, the government has been trying to close the gap between equal rights of genders.

Just this past summer, Texas has adopted a new law, one that has gone through many different court systems. The law requires doctors to show women, who are seeking an abortion, a fetal sonogram. With doctors showing women the image of their child and listening to their child’s heartbeat, doctors are hoping to persuade women not to have an abortion and keep their child.

“The law requires doctors to show women seeking an abortion a fetal sonogram. “

Source: bob jb. https://www.flickr.com/photos/bobbateman/.

Research has shown that about half of the clinics performing abortions in Texas have closed and Texas women had fewer abortions. Of those who did have an abortion, they were most likely to have riskier, second-trimester abortions and less likely to have safer, first- trimester, pill induced procedures. Doctors in Texas are making a stand against the law, but will it change the opinions of the government to change the law? When abortions are down, crude birth rate is down, and this is what the government wants, instead of caring about women’s reproductive rights.

“Research has shown that about half of the clinics performing abortions in Texas closed.”

In some states, schools don’t go into detail about women reproduction and there opinion of how to deal with the situation. If young ladies are educated about the decision they are able to make when they have an unplanned or dangerous pregnancy, this will allow them to make an educated, healthy choice of how they want to proceed with their current situation.

Source: Pabak Sarkar. https://www.flickr.com/photos/pabak/.

Abortion is an unequal right. If a woman attends a doctor’s appointment with full intentions of having an abortion, no one has the right to change her mind. For example, a lady had an abortion because her baby had only half a head and would live his whole life in a hospital hooked up to machines and taking tons of pain pills. When a case presents itself with such a heartbreaking outcome, a women should have the right to have an abortion, as it would be in the best interest of the baby.

“Is the decision only theirs?”

Many people ask whether or not women should be the only ones to have the decision of abortion? Is the decision only theirs? Should men have a right in the decision? Should the state be able to influence or control that decision?

Source: Jlhopgood. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jlhopgood

Women should have access to their own opinion and decision making without the influence of others. From a young age, we have always been told to try and make our own decisions because, one day in the future, we will be adults and our decisions will not only affect us, but also those around us. If doctors and laws are controlling our choice, when will we be able to make our own decision, especially if it involves a child coming into the world. The government nor law knows how that baby came to be conceived, what the financial situation is, whether the relationship is healthy or whether the pregnancy is high or low risk. The only one that can make that decision is the women.

By: Kelsie L.

