Sprint 2, Day 2

Hanna Aikas
Fantastic Four Acebook Project
3 min readSep 12, 2019

Stand-up Meeting Agenda:

- Check ins- give your theme song for the morning

- One thing you have learnt

- What you want to work on

- Possible blockers


- Review yesterday/merge requests

- Choose tickets for the day

- Split tickets

- Assign pairs/branch names

Agreed in Stand-Up Meeting:

- Lessons Learned: When planning, decide what names we’ll give each branch, and put branch name in Trello ticket

- Open Questions: Ask Sophie (coach) about how the Router fits in with the MVC model (MVC stuff is in app folder, router is in config folder of our Rails app)

Key Points from Q&A with Sophie:

- In Rails, do we need to do Unit Tests (to test stuff that Rails builds for us) or focus more on Feature Tests? Answer: Focus on Integration Tests and Feature Tests. Integration tests are testing interaction between controller/model/database, but they leave out the browser (unlike a Feature Test which also involves the browser).

- [See above question on MVC + Router]. Answer: The router changes the routing that has been set up when we implemented a given Rails scaffold. To find out what the ‘root’ does (e.g. ‘posts#index’), click on the link right below it in the comments! To understand full MVC model, see link below (at end of blog — link from Farnaz).

- What do CI tools actually do? You set it up to run the linter and the tests, and your code will not deploy to production until these pass. Have to tell the CI tool how to build your app. Common errors:

o Bundler version dependencies

o Gemfile missing dependencies

o Enviroment settings production/development/tests

What we did - morning & afternoon shift:

- Not a full day, as we had Q&A at 11 and careers talk at 3pm. So we effectively just did a half day

- Farnaz and Hanna worked on database — set up associations — one user has several posts.

- Kriss and Russ worked on closing out remaining tickets on sign in, sign up, routing. Also picked up new ticket on adding line breaks to posts.

- All tickets completed and moved to In Production by end of shift! Wooohoooo!

Feedback from Sophie:

- Make sure your README is up to date, and would be useful to anyone joining the project tomorrow

- Nice to see lots of closed PRs, consider putting in place an approval check point on GitHub and protecting the master branch so it can’t be pushed to.

- Would also be great to see more discussion on PRs, you can comment on the PR as a whole or on individual lines of code. Can speed up workflow and help make sure everyone understands the code.

End of Sprint Retro — Key stuff:

- What went well in sprint?

o Through experience we improved as a team vs. Sprint 1

o Sat close to each other

o Did branches well on Day 2

o Did Trello tickets well on Day 2 -> clarity

o Positive vibes!

- What to improve?

o Even workloads / swapping driver role / committing

- Favourite feature in our app?

o Line breaks in posts

o 1-to-many relationships

o All the Travis stuff, Linter, Tests pass!

- What to improve in our app?

o Styling

o Refactor tests, adding helpers

Notes — Technical resources:

- From Russ: Article on how to create associations between 2 Active Record Models: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html

- From Farnaz: Picture on MVC model incl. DB and router: http://images.thoughtbot.com/ember-rails-terminology-differences/rails.png

- From Kriss: command to access the heroku database: heroku pg:psql

