Sprint 4, Day 1

Kriss Wiltshire
Fantastic Four Acebook Project
1 min readSep 18, 2019

Scrum Master: Farnaz

Blogger: This guy

The others: Russ and Hanna

Quote of the day:

“Failure is nothing more than a chance to revise your strategy”


Check-in — what’s your Disney character based on your mood today?

  • Farnaz — Arial
  • Kriss — Arial ( Farnaz copied me..)
  • Hanna — Baloo
  • Russ — Aladdin

What we did:

Today we focused on the feedback that we received from Sophie (Product owner). This turned out to be more difficult than first thought but the criteria was eventually met. We are all looking forward to working on the new criteria.

Go team!

Sophie’s Feedback:

  • Would like users who are not logged into to be redirected to the “/” route and see the sign up/sign in options there.
  • Should be able to see all posts in the “/” route when logged in, and my own posts in a /users/:id route
  • Couldn’t test not being able to edit or delete another users posts because I can’t see other users posts

