Fantasy Creatures: Basilisk

Fantasy Creatures
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2023


In the realm of mythical creatures, few are as feared and revered as the basilisk. Known as the “king of serpents,” this awe-inspiring creature has fascinated cultures around the world for centuries. With its deadly gaze and legendary powers, the basilisk has cemented its place in folklore, literature, and popular culture.

The basilisk’s origins can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Descriptions of this mythical creature varied across cultures, but they all shared one common trait: the basilisk’s deadly gaze. According to some accounts, the basilisk was believed to be born from the egg of a serpent hatched by a rooster. The legend stated that if this creature were to stare into someone’s eyes, it would bring instant death.

The basilisk’s name is derived from the Greek word “basiliskos,” which means “little king” or “kinglet.” This title emphasizes the creature’s regal and powerful nature, despite its smaller size compared to other mythical serpents.

The basilisk is often depicted as a fearsome combination of serpent and rooster. It has the body of a serpent, typically adorned with a crown-like crest on its head, reminiscent of a rooster’s comb. Its reptilian…



Fantasy Creatures

Dog and cat mom, freelance writer with interest in graphic design, ocasional translator.