Finding the time to write

Brent H Jones
3 min readAug 9, 2024

This, I know, is a tricky one.

Now, I know everyone may be in a different situation. With work, family responsibilities and obligations, that need to be handled before they can even begin to think about writing.

But we are writers, with a passion. We need to write. It's in our blood, it’s our life line, the one thing that keeps us sane in our busy life! (Okay, that last one may have gone a little too far)

Nevertheless, writing is something we enjoy whether we make money from it or not. Or if we have the time to write or not? which brings me to the title of this article. How can we find the time to write?

Well, it’s not going to be easy and some sacrifices may need to be made. there may even need to be a hard conversation that's needed to be had with yourself. But with some hard work, we can find that time to write.

here are a few things that you can try, remember though that there is no obligation for you to actually do these things and I have tried them all myself and some have worked better than others for me.

That doesn’t mean the ones that haven’t worked for me won’t work for you though. and mt next piece of advice before getting onto the list is, if it is too much information or too much to do then take baby steps. only do one thing at a time. If that one doesn’t work then move on to the next one and give that a try, and so on.

so, here we are, my advice on how you can find the time to write:

  1. write on your breaks in work — Many people do it, myself included. I will write after I have my lunch. sat in the office. Not thinking about work but writing my own story. Now, it's not a lot of time but I can get a few 100 words down sometimes and that's better than nothing.
  2. wake up early to write — You may have heard of it, read about the people who do it but only thought it was a myth….Well, I’m here to tell you it's a real thing and its real hard. the 5am club. wake up at 5am, brew yourself a cup of coffee and start to write before the house wakes up.
  3. stay up a little later to write — but if you’re not a morning person. Or you see yourself as a night owl. then why not stay up them extra few hours to get some writing done?
  4. set aside time to write — this could be at any part of the day. Tell your family that this is the time you’re setting aside to write and not to disturb you unless it is truly necessary.
  5. write over the weekend — if our job is a standard 9–5 or similar, Monday to Friday with the week off. Why not use this to our advantage and use this weekend to do most of our writing?
  6. write in the most comfortable way you find writing — whether that is on a PC, iPad/tablet or your phone. no matter what it is. if you write better on that. then use that to write.

Anyway, that will be it for this article, I do hope you enjoyed it and or found it useful in some way, let me know if I have missed anything in the comments and I’ll try to improve on my next article and as always, thanks for reading.



Brent H Jones

Hi! I'm Brent I was born in the U.K. but now live in China. I am a freelance beta reader & writer on Fiverr. I wrote a novel I really want to publish.