What Makes Harry Potter so Memorable

and How to Incorporate Those Elements into Your Own Worldbuilding

Jen M
Fantasy Writing School


Picture by B Y on Unsplash

If you’re anything like me, when you love something, you really love it. After watching The Philosopher’s Stone at a young age, I would look out the window at night in anticipation of an owl bringing my Hogwarts letter, run around the house with a stick wand, and dress up as Harry for Halloween ( and for fun). Most of my childhood obsessions have died out.. except for Harry Potter.

As I am currently worldbuilding for my own fantasy series, I’ve been considering what elements I should incorporate — and how — to make it memorable to readers. It was only natural for me to peer into one of the most renown series of all time — Harry Potter — and dissect it to figure out what it is that has made these books so influential on an entire generation. To make a worldwide bestselling novel ( and the most successful one in history, at that), J.K. Rowling must have done many things right, which I, as a writer, would like to carry into my own work.

Among the many amazing things I noticed, one thing stood out to me most of all: Fantasy is about escapism, and J.K. Rowling did a fantastic job of making her world feel real enough to escape into. She did so through well-developed characters, by making the magical world reflect the real one…



Jen M
Fantasy Writing School

A freelance writer, writer, artist, geek, hopeless (and hopeful) romantic, and over-thinker.