Earn High Yields with Dai-Abolical Balance LP on Beethoven-X

Balance Capital
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2022

After the release of the USDB stablecoin, Balance has partnered with Beethoven-X to set up a DAI-USDB stablecoin liquidity pool called A Dai-Abolical Balance. In addition to having one of the highest APRs on stablecoin pairs, A Dai-Abolical Balance is also the most stable pool with high liquidity.

In this article, we show how you as an investor can get involved with Beethoven-X and earn high yields on your stables. To do that, we provide a step by step guide to -

  1. Get USDB stablecoin by minting directly from the FHM app
  2. Invest the USDB stablecoins and earn high yielding rewards

Mint USDB from FHM App

Step 1:

Navigate to the FHM USDB Bonds page https://app.fantohm.com/#/bonds-usdb and connect your MetaMask wallet.

Step 2:

Now we swap DAI stablecoin with USDB.

Click on the Mint USDB button as shown in the figure below.

Step 3:

A popup window will appear like the one below. If you have never minted USDB with DAI before, you may have to approve the bonding process the first time. Click on the Approve button and move on to Step 4.

Step 4:

You should now be able to provide the amount of DAI to mint USDB. Our app calculates the amount of USDB you receive after inputting the number of DAI.

Press the Mint USDB button and confirm the transaction on your MetaMask wallet.

Step 5:

After the minting process is complete, you may claim your USDB stablecoins by clicking on the Claim button.

Thats’ it! Now you know how to mint USDB stablecoin from FHM app.

Let us now understand how to invest your USDBs in Beethoven-X LP and earn passive rewards.

Invest USDB & Receive LP tokens.

Step 1:

Navigate to the Beethoven-X A Dai-Abolical Balance Pool page Beethovenx (beets.fi).

Step 2:

Connect your MetaMask wallet.

Deposit your USDB stablecoins to the pool to receive the BPT_USDB-DAI LP tokens.

Click on the Invest button on the right side of the webpage as shown below.

Step 3:

In the following screen, provide the number of USDB stablecoins.

Click Preview to preview your investment.

Finally, click Approve USDB for Investing.

Step 4:

As you receive the LP tokens (BPTs), you can directly stake them on Beethoven-X. Go back to the LP page https://beets.fi/#/pool/0xd5e946b5619fff054c40d38c976f1d06c1e2fa820002000000000000000003ac and Approve and Deposit the BPT.

Step 5:

Finally, you could Harvest your rewards directly from the farm page.

About FHM, USDB, and Balance

The Balance Organization is formed to administrate business development in service to the greater vision of the interplay between FHM and USDB. As such, profits from all ventures engaging USDB as a commercial exchange of value will be used to buy back and burn FHM in order to increase our deflationary velocity at a rate tied to our business success in product developments.

Find us on our channels to get in touch and join the community.



Balance Capital

Balance Marketing Team // Crypto enthusiast, and an occasional programmer