An introduction to Isekai with Sikoba Research and Fantom Foundation
Sikoba Research, a European research and development organization, has published a reader-friendly introduction into Isekai, a verifiable computing engine Fantom is looking to utilize for efficient, secure computation.
Verifiable computing is the use of software and mathematical techniques to ensure that the expected output y is provided by a given input x software. This is incredibly important as buggy smart contracts can have serious consequences, as has been previously experienced by the “The DAO’” and “Party Multisignature wallet” attacks.
Isekai will be generalized framework that will allow users to verify their smart contract logic across multiple programming languages, identifying issues or bugs before they are deployed to the ledger.
More details can be found at their medium article here:
Combined with the efforts of the University of Sydney focusing on developing a verifiable compiler and register-based virtual machine, Fantom is proud to work with others in developing verifiable computing tools and middleware for both the Fantom ecosystem, and the software community in general.
To remind yourself as to what Fantom has done with Sikoba before, check out our previous article introducing Sikoba Research!
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