#BUIDLonFANTOM: Fantom Developer Contest Results

Connor Hughes
Fantom Foundation
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2020

The #BUIDLonFANTOM Developer Contest we launched in November of last year has produced some great additions to the Fantom ecosystem, with several of the submissions gaining daily users and becoming integral tools for the community.

We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the development bounties today, and give an overview of the winners’ submissions:

block42 (validator 14) — FantomStaker

FantomStaker was one of the first community tools for the Opera mainnet, initially offering a hub to identify validators by name, logo and contact details; giving delegators the ability to complete due diligence on validators and get in touch before pulling the trigger and staking with them.

Next, the team added metrics related to the FTM reward unlock: percentage of FTM staked, the minimum staked percentage for reward unlock, and the amount of FTM burned to date from the pending rewards of those unstaking early.

Their work inspired various features we’ve since incorporated into our Fantom Vision explorer, so a huge well done and thank you to block42.

Prize: 950,000 FTM

FantomScan (validator 30) — FantomScan explorer & wallets

FantomScan is an explorer for those who like as much data as possible. With a tab dedicated to charts that show how delegations, unique wallet addresses and transaction volume have changed over time, it adds value to the ecosystem in a unique way.

As with block42, FantomScan kept building and evolved the product to meet community demand. Many of our token holders enjoy the security of hardware wallets, so we offered a solution to stake FTM via MyEtherWallet that involved some extra steps when the Opera mainnet was first released. While we’ve been working on native ledger support for the FTM token (coming soon!), FantomScan used some clever problem-solving to take advantage of MyEtherWallet’s existing codebase and provide easy point-and-click staking for MEWConnect and Ledger users.

We’re also working with FantomScan to implement additional features to our own tools — stay tuned!

Prize: 950,000 FTM

Matt Prime & Bitcoin Alchemist — Meme of the Day

Meme of the Day in its current form is a fun social platform that allows users to upload, vote & comment on memes. Unlike traditional social platforms, however, it’s possible to verify the first uploader of the meme.

While the current iteration is focused on memes, we can see the general principles being extended to intellectual property of other forms.

Keep on building and we hope to see more from you guys in the future!

Prize: 200,000 FTM

GoFantom (validator 17) — Fantom Rocks

GoFantom started their Opera development journey with SpeedTX — a demo to show your friends the power of Fantom technology, by propagating a transaction and seeing it confirmed on-chain in real-time.

They then stepped it up a gear and increased the number of transactions propagated at once with Supercharge (20 tx’s per click), which Opera is able to handle with no problem at all!

After working together with the GoFantom team to co-ordinate Supercharge’s increased transaction throughput, we found they were a pleasure to work with and had the skills and experience to add enormous value to the team. As many of you will be aware, we decided to hire the team earlier this year and they’ve been working at Fantom full-time since!

FantomVision, our new explorer, has recently been released along with an improved API by the GoFantom team. They’re now finalizing the work to bring native Ledger support and Metamask-like functionality to FTM. Both of these steps will improve efficiency in the ecosystem and allow other developers to build on Fantom seamlessly.

Prize: Full-time contract at Fantom

We’d like to thank all the developers that made submissions and we’re excited to see you, and others, building more valuable applications on Fantom in the future!

Official Links for Fantom:

Official Email Address: contact@fantom.foundation

Official Website Link: https://www.fantom.foundation

Official Discord Discussion Group: https://discord.gg/6V42Gs8

Official Telegram Announcements Channel: https://t.me/fantomfoundation

Official Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FantomFoundation/

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/FantomFDN

Official Medium: https://medium.com/fantomfoundation

Official Github: https://github.com/Fantom-foundation

Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/fantomfoundation

