Fantom Confidential — 3. Fantom Pay Insights

Fantom Foundation
Fantom Foundation
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2019

by Fantom Innovation Team

The Current Fantom Pay Business Model

Our evaluation, analysis and user interview (end-users and businesses) insights have provided several reasons for not pursuing the current Fantom Pay business model.

Some highlights (All values in USD unless specified)

  • Revenue & the business model: For Fantom Pay to make $10M revenue at 2.5% margin (merchant & consumer fees), Fantom needs to achieve $400M of sales through multiple channels.
  • BitPay, a large 7 year old company dealing in cryptocurrency payment solutions, generates only $12M a year in revenue, processing nearly 200,000 Bitcoin transactions monthly with more than 60,000 merchants in six continents and has competitive fees of 1% only.
  • Currently, most of the crypto users see cryptocurrencies as an investment, not as a form of payment.
  • Major design flaw with the value flow (parity stability). No hedging in place and risk rise with the volume traded in the platform.

Case Study — Australia

  1. Expected Market Share by Category

Living Room of Satoshi is the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency bill payment solution in Australia. The customers can pay Australian bills with cryptocurrencies across more than 100 Australian billers. We are estimating that their market share is 10% of the total crypto-spending market here in Australia, and this represents approximately AUD $6M (Entire Australian cryptocurrency spending is $60M).

Of this AUD 6M, 65%+ was spent on paying credit cards and utility bills which is approximately $3.9M.

According to our analysis, discretionary expenses, which Fantom Pay is targeting, such as shopping and entertainment, accounted for just 14% of this spending in Living Room of Satoshi. If Fantom Pay had this market, it would represent a total of $840,000 in transaction volume, and at 2.5% fees, it would generate $21,000 in gross revenue for the full year for Fantom Pay.

The profitability of $6M transaction value, at 2.5% is $150,000 gross revenue. If Fantom Pay became the whole business of Living Room of Satoshi in Korea, at 2.5% transaction value, the gross revenue could only equate to $750,000 in 2018 (5x that of Australia).

2. Expected Market Share by Crypto Currency

Let’s consider it from cryptocurrency distribution perspective.

  • Bitcoin accounts for 60%
  • Taking Monero as an achievable target after substantial marketing, Fantom Pay market share could be around 1.1% of the total market.

Australian & Korean Markets

Our research concluded that there are between 2–3M Korean crypto holders with a total investment size of more than $10B as of the end of December in 2018.

Based on our research on the Australian market, we have identified that approximately 14% of crypto expenditure is for discretionary items, which is Fantom Pay’s target market.


A large portion of crypto expenditure is used to pay off bills for credit cards, utility/gas and phone/internet. Fantom Pay, as it is now a crypto-to-fiat mobile payment solution, will not be able to generate sufficient revenue to make enough profits targeting discretionary spending.

More to come! To get all the latest information before anyone else, follow our official channels.

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