Fantom Insights Vol.8

Fantom Foundation
Fantom Foundation
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2018

Progress from the week of Sep 17 to Sep 23!

Development Updates

This week, Fantom achieved another set of research and development milestones.

Our Desktop wallet application is currently undergoing significant testing internally before a public release on our Github. Built in ElectronJS, it will be initially available on Windows and Macintosh, and later as a Linux distribution. The wallet will allow a user to create an account by generating a keystore file, transfer funds to other wallets, and restore an account from a 12-word mnemonic. It currently uses Ethereum-based wallet generation libraries, until Fantom designs its on cryptographic wallet system.

Our mobile payments application is also available internally on testflight and Android. It is currently undergoing rigorous testing, and will allow users to store FTM locally and transfer between accounts, including QR code sharing.

Both applications are intended to be demonstrated at the meetup this coming Thursday in Seoul, Korea.

On the development side, Fantom has achieved the following:

  1. Extended CLI utilities in C, Go and Bash
  2. Continued rewriting the SSH tunnelling technology (in TypeScript)
  3. Using the CLI utilities mention in 1, Fantom has created the pipeline to generate an infinite number of nodes for testing.
  4. Empirically, Fantom has generated a 50 node testnet on a local machine, with Docker.

Fantom will be analyzing its testnet performance across a variety of different nodes this coming week.

On the research side, we have continued to make improvements to the technical paper for version two, to be published on arxiv. In particular, we have focus on the following areas:

  1. Proof by induction for Theorem 7.5. All node grows up into same shape in OPERA chain.
  2. Adding in several conjectures about the Lachesis Consensus Algorithm (LCA).
  3. Pseudocode for Event block creation.

In addition, our cryptographic research team has created a mini paper titled A Primer on NIZK Proofs for Secure Computation, which is an area of research we are looking to implement in order to dramatically increase the scalability of Fantom’s technology. The paper will be released on our website in due course, after several reviews.

Upcoming Events

Fantom team members will be at the following events. Make sure to join our Official Telegram channel to get in touch if you want to meet with us!

This Thursday will mark the beginning of our monthly get-togethers where all of you will be able to get a sneak peek at the enormous steps we’re taking. At our Hangout sessions, you’ll be able to see us just as we are, talking to you about our short-term and long-term goals, the progress we’ve made and the difficulties we’re facing. These meetups will take place every month in Seoul, Korea. If you’re in the area, make sure to come hangout with us!

Sept 27: Fantom Hangout Meetup in Seoul, South Korea
Oct 23: Fantom Showcase, Spark Festival, Sydney
Oct 23: Fantom Panel Talk & Networking Event, Sydney
Oct 25: Fantom <> NEM Event, NEM Blockchain Hub, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

Building up Fantom’s Developer Community!

Samuel Marks recently presented to over 130 people at Snapchat’s Headquarters in Sydney, Australia, at the Sydney C++ Meetup. Titled Go containing with C in C++, Docker, Moby, Sam discussed the C++ infrastructure setup for Fantom, including a demonstration of the deployment of the testnet on his local machine. The event was well-received, with several engineers interested in working on Fantom.

Reach out to us!

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Until next week!

