New Challenges for the DFB: How it works
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2022

With the Football World Cup, the biggest sporting event of the year, starting in a few days, we present to you the biggest challenge on our platform to date.

Every game of the German national team gives you the chance to take part in 4 challenges per game. Each game is separated in 4 tiers. This way we can include every kind of user on our platform and no one feels excluded. This is also regardless of the amount of money spent or the rarities they have in their collection.

Tier 1- Rookie League:

The Rookie tier is the ranking for beginners on our platform. Cards from the current and older DFB drops can be used so you don’t need to own the newest cards to participate. Only common cards are allowed, which have to be put into 5 slots. From the 5 slots you have to select a goalkeeper, a defender, midfielder and striker. The 5th slot can be occupied by a defender, midfielder or a striker, that is up to you. Former U21 players are also allowed. Prizes will be given out after each challenge. How your final score will be calculated is explained later in this article.

Tier2 — Pro League:

The Pro tier is a bit more advanced than the previous tier. Old and new cards will be allowed, but they need to be Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary cards. Every slot can be filled with every rarity and you have to follow the same rules for player positions in the slots as in the Rookie tier.

Also: Founders and special cards can not be chosen. Like in the Rookie tier there will be no leaderboard, but prizes will be given out after each challenge.

Tier 3 — Expert League:

The Expert tier also consists of 5 cards, but all of them must be from our new DFB World Cup Collection. The chosen cards must be of Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary rarity, with all rarities being eligible for every slot. Again, no special or founders cards are allowed, with prizes given out after each game without a leaderboard.

Tier 4 — Master League:

The Master tier is the most advanced challenge. Here you can only select 4 cards and old and new DFB cards are allowed. But, they need to be legendary or special cards. Next to the legendary cards you can choose special cards like Founders cards, Community Favourites or cards from the Road to World Cup Collection. To make it more equal, we decided to double the MINT scores of the legendary cards. In this tier, there will be a leaderboard, which will be updated after every game. For the final score the best 3 scores will be taken into account.


This is how we will score every challenge in every tier: The MINT scores of your submitted cards are used as a multiplier to calculate the final score. Player stats are taken from and are multiplied with the MINT score. You also have the option to select a captain, from whom the final score will be doubled. Points from all slots are added, making up your final score.

Rewards and Prizes:

The first three tiers will not have a leaderboard and prizes will be given out after every game. For the 4th tier, the bigger prizes will be handed out after the World Cup campaign of Germany ends.

Among the prizes are FNC’s, different DFB Packs, FIFA 23 DFB Editions, vouchers for the DFB Fanshop. memberships for the FANZONE Sports Club and many many more. If you participate in every challenge of a tier, you’ll get a POAP digital asset via AirDrop. Overall, we will be giving out prizes worth 17.000€ over the whole tournament!!

We will also be giving out extra rewards after every game: A participant will be drawn from each tier to win one of the special Community Favourite cards we are creating after every game, so after every game 4 users will win a Community Favourite card. For every participation in a challenge a ticket will be given to every participant. At the end of the campaign one lucky will receive a FANZONE Sports Club membership.

Germany plays their first game on November 23 against Japan, with the challenges going live before the gameday. If you want to take part, check our app

Further and more detailed information can be found here:

For the WM in Qatar, we will also host a special PREDICTION GAME! Anyone from Fanzone, but also anyone else you know can participate for free. The first 50 will win prizes!



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