A Token Sale with a Product — RepuX Data Marketplace

RepuX Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2018
RepuX — decentralising data industry

Over 90% Of The ICOs Don’t Have A Working Product

That’s not really encouraging for anyone who supports blockchain developers’ efforts to democratize landscape of web applications. All members of blockchain community should also feel the responsibility for scam ICOs which beg for money in exchange for unfulfilled promises. Although we — all of us, blockchain enthusiasts — don’t directly contribute to such scam — those projects existence is a scratch on a glass of the fundamentals arising from Web 3.0 manifest — to democratize, transparentize and decentralize.

As a RepuX Foundation — where the technical team is really in love with the blockchain — we also have a strong legal and financial support. This synthesis of truly passionate and experienced programmers — with solid company fundaments provides us with a unique chance — in long-term — to create a solid product and capture a big part of data marketplaces’ traffic. Traffic that’s definitely going to rise each year — correlated to developments in Big Data and Machine Learning.

We want to take advantage of this chance — our Data Marketplace is LIVE!

RepuX Data Marketplace


At the time of writing you will receive 1000 demo tokens when registering for our Marketplace — for testing purposes. Currently, we’re running on Rinkeby test network — you can easily get ETH on this network (for transactions costs) — just follow this helpful article. Just to make sure we’re clear — this is all FREE! We’ve prepared the whole help section dedicated to our product. So whenever you look for a solution — check if we haven’t already did the research for you. :)

On the Marketplace you’re able to upload — and later, sell your files. The easiest thing you could do is to buy the already existing product and download it. We’re going to subtract from your account a number of tokens equal to the price of the product. The product files will be able to be downloaded as soon as Ethereum network confirms the transaction. On Rinkeby it takes 15 to 30 seconds to confirm a transaction.

We’ve tried to make the user experience as good as possible — that’s why you’ll be given helpful information on how to interact with this decentralised application. Starting from installing MetaMask wallet and confirming it — to issuing smart-contracts’ calls from your browser.

Buying data product via Ethereum blockchain

You’ll be able to also check your profits from the product you’ve added to the marketplace. Whenever someone buys your file — tokens are immediately transferred to your wallet address. You can view uploaded product details and check its earnings.

When it comes to uploading files — for now — we have a limit of 10 MB for a file. Under the hood, we’re storing files in IPFS. The encryption of files proof of concept for our Marketplace is already done, but we haven’t completed yet the development process. What you’re going to see is still pretty much work in progress with new features coming soon. For example, “Rating system” — blockchain part is already in place, but we have to prepare our frontend and backend. When it comes to storing files we’re still checking out other options to securely store files in decentralised manner. What we’ve discovered as Dev Team while coming into this ecosystem — is that lots of software is still in alpha versions. However, we’ve been monitoring our Marketplace production environment — and we have to say it’s a piece of stable software — although still in early stage.

That’s why we’d like to request any kind of feedback from you guys — let’s develop this application together — we’re going to listen to your voices.

Uploading file complete — now we’re creating product contract in blockchain

It’s also an important thing to notice that various technological layers need to exist in addition to blockchain contracts. For our API we’ve chosen Symfony because the team’s really experienced in using it. On the frontend, we have Ember — because it’s really solid for developing enterprise-class applications. In addition to this technological stack, we also have Node.js put to work when it comes to interacting with our Ethereum nodes — which also need to run because Data Marketplace needs to stay in sync with the blockchain transactions and events. The important part, however — is that you’re the only owner of the file — and you control the smart contract (we have no power over it — we just provide infrastructure and client for casual users).


Want to know more? This video shows our Marketplace in action and highlights the important parts of our development process.

RepuX Marketplace — Developer’s Diary with footage from Marketplace

It’s our first Developer’s Diary. We’d like to continue communicating with you in approachable manner — we’re considering sharing progress via weekly updates or live sessions. For now, we have Telegram group for RepuX — https://t.me/repuxicoEN as well as Intercom chat (you can access it by visiting https://repux.io/).

Go ahead, check out RepuX Data Marketplace!

