Black Friday : A Beautiful Nightmare

Denny Wong
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

Time to hire a Faqbot to answer your frequently asked question automatically.

Month of November is where online merchants put their final touch on their preparation for the Black Friday rush. Historically in the US this is the first day after the last major holiday before Christmas, it marks the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Additionally, many employers give their employees the day off as part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

For many online retailers this is a crucial period as it could represent up to 20% to 40% of their annual sales turnover. This high peak of order volume meant that the online retailer’s IT system, work processes and personnels will be tested during and after this period.

I have seen Customer Service workload double or triple during this period due to this high volume orders. Hence the ‘beautiful nightmare’ as one of my clients used to describe such period. Beautiful because sales is going thru the roof. Nightmare because of all the additional workload that follows this peak.

At Faqbot, we see this as an opportunity to help online retailers to deflect incoming tickets by using an automated chatbot (Faqbot) that answers frequently asked questions automatically. So your customer can get their answer in real-time or receive guidance in how to resolve their issues.

We have seen reduction of incoming tickets up to 40% or more.

For this purpose we created a Black-Friday-X’mas (BFX) package.

For 3000 € (paid upfront, excluding any taxes) we offer :

1. Faqbot on your webpage or a hosted Help Center Page.

2. Standard plan for a period of 3-month.

3. Get 2000 answers served per month. For a total of 6000 answers served.

4. Setup within 1–2 working day.

3000 € for 3 months is much less than what you would pay to hire one customer support agent full time. Hire Faqbot to boost your customer support capabilities, follow this 5 simple steps :

  1. Sign-up and create your account. Here
  2. Copy-paste the URL(*) to your FAQ page to import your FAQ.
  3. Complete your Faqbot’s profile, description, error and welcome message.
  4. Copy-paste the snippets of Javascript(**) code into your website template page before the closing </head> tag.
  5. Set and ready to go.

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*- You can also email us a copy in xls format.

**- We can help you work around ‘code-freeze’ by offering a stand-alone page.

Sign up online here; or book a 15-minute meeting to tell us more.

Offer is valid until 20th November 2018, for online retailers.

Speak to you soon.

Denny Wong
Faqbot, Co-founder.



Denny Wong

Co-founder at An interculturalist, startups co-founder. I work to unlock opportunities in the real world and to capture it digitally.