How Faqbot can help companies throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

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2 min readApr 6, 2020

The rapid outbreak of COVID-19 has left companies in a state of shock. While governments have taken drastic security measures to contain the spread of the virus, companies have nonetheless had to deal with increased strain due to disrupted business processes and decreases in the workforce. A common repercussion has been increased customer inquiries due to growing concerns of misinformation surrounding the pandemic.

This is a period where technology can be utilised to alleviate business struggles. During the crisis, companies have been using Faqbot, a Belgium-based tech start up, to keep their customers and employees well informed with the most relevant information. Faqbot specializes in using artificial intelligence in order to turn FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and help center pages into automated helper chatbots. These AI-powered SaaS chatbots help companies to deliver 24/7 customer support directly through their website or Facebook page. This improves customer engagement by streamlining customer support, sales and lead generation automation. These features aid companies in informing their audience about, among other things, the latest changes in security measures as well as allowing them to continue their business operations in preparation for the post coronavirus economy.

To help companies during the coronavirus outbreak period, Faqbot will be offering a special plan which will include unlimited answers and resolutions generated by the bot.

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We turn your FAQ page into a chatbot in minutes. Build your own chatbot with custom conversation flow for customer support, sales or lead generation purposes.