Virtual assistants in the fight against COVID-19.

Kristine Berina
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2020

We are all together in the fight against COVID-19 and even virtual assistants (chatbots) are aiding in this fight. In these unpredictable times we all need to be more connected than ever to stay in touch with our near and dear as well as keep ourselves informed and up to date with the latest information regarding COVID-19 and our everyday lives.

Chatbots are making a difference in several fields:

Public organizations.

There is a lot of information out there issued by organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other governmental institutions. Due to the quantity of information and the pace at which this information is changing, it can be quite difficult to find the answers you need. What is one of the best ways to keep everyone up to date with the latest information? The answer is chatbots! This technology is perfect in this time of crisis due to its 24/7 availability to keep users informed about the latest developments.

For public organisations, in order to avoid long waiting times and mass hysteria, it is particularly important to educate the public about coronavirus symptoms and procedures. Leaving citizens to google information may result in getting the wrong or outdated information, so it is better to get it straight from the source. Often if you are showing symptoms time is of the essence and calling and waiting for your answers will just cause more stress. Chatbots solve this problem of waiting, your answers are at your fingertips.

Mental health support.

This is undoubtedly a stressful time which is having an impact on our mental health. Significant changes to our daily lives are only adding to the fear of contracting the virus as our movements are restricted in support of efforts to contain and slow down the spread of COVID-19. Adjusting to the new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues, it is important that our mental health is being looked after. To further emphasize the severity of this issue, government agencies and specialists have predicted a historic wave of mental health issues. How to connect people to the right services and fast, taking into account their fragile state of mind? Chatbots are a great tool being used by mental health and aid organisations to give 24/7 information with where to turn for help and what to do. Giving immediate access to information that saves lives.

Financial wellbeing.

With so many people furloughed or even losing their job and the economy having the biggest downturn in decades, financial instability is a large stress factor. It is very important to keep the public informed about the latest government support, and the options and rights of employees and companies in order to improve their sense of financial security. Chatbots are a great way for governmental and other worker institutions to keep organisations and their employees informed about their support options, further reducing societal stress.

Hospitality sector.

The Hospitality sector has been one of the hardest-hit sectors, as restaurants, theme parks and cinemas have not only been forced to shut down for lengthy periods but have also seen huge losses due to disruptions in international and local tourism. And now with the measures being eased and some places strengthened again, both citizens and the hospitality sector have been left with a lot of questions. Adding to the difficulty, as we now enter the European holiday season, many questions remain unanswered regarding things such as the latest travel restrictions, which countries are in the “red zone”, and what measurements are necessary when visiting certain facilities such as restaurants. Technology can play a key role here to help hospitality businesses automate COVID-19-related inquiries, such as answering booking or safety-related questions to keep their guests informed and as well to demonstrate a customer-oriented effort towards their guests.

One solution.

Technology is here to stay and sadly enough the COVID-19 is still an issue. As we continue working toward slowing the spread and finding a cure it is important that everyone remains informed with the latest information from accurate sources. This is the time where technology has really shown how much it can add to our everyday lives. Before this pandemic only a few companies were planning to offer a better work-life balance to their employees, with the arrival of COVID-19 and the necessity to work remotely technologies were implemented to facilitate the new working requirements. The new normal is to use technology as a means of communication, if we are well informed we will make better decisions in our fight against our common enemy. Go AI, go chatbots!

Want to find out more about chatbots? You can do it here:



Kristine Berina
Editor for

Technology enthusiast | Lover of good stories | Customer succes, Lead & Data Analyst|