Faraday News
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2017

Ekoparty Security Conference is the annual event that we most look forward to and enjoy. For a whole week we meet to learn and share our knowledge, but also to have fun and do what we like most.

Once again, the event was at Centro Cultural Konex (Buenos Aires). Trainings opened the week of September 25, followed by three days of conference where we met with a lot of friends and where, surely, we also met you.

Our team set out to create various points of contact this year, offering several activities with different goals and attractions. We had everything! And for those who could not attend and for those who went but want to remember, here’s a review of everything that happened during that wonderful week:

Our booth was arranged to transmit the spirit of our everyday work — we had games, prizes, gifts, Faraday demos and more! Thanks to everyone who came by!

Our second activity was the Wardriving workshop and tour on a pirate ship. Over the years it became a classic within the Eko, and this time it was our turn to organize it. To know all the details, you can visit our special blog where we tell you everything that we did during this activity.

This year Ekoparty launched a brand new activity — Ekodating. Each sponsor had the opportunity to present their open job searches and meet with people interested in applying to join each team.

Thursday and Friday, we enabled a different proposal that we very much enjoyed preparing together with the people of Drone Racing BA. We prepared a mini drone flight circuit with demonstrations, challenges and a small shop in which you could acquire the drones that you had used to practice. You can see all the details in this exclusive video.

Mica and Leo were responsible for presenting Faraday at EkoLabs, a space dedicated exclusively to independent researchers and the Open Source Community, providing a space in which the latest projects and innovations can be presented. We felt it was a great experience and we are deeply grateful to have been invited. For those who could not attend, in this Blog we share all the details of this experience.

Once again, thank you all for taking the time to share, learn and have fun with us in this edition of Ekoparty 2017! See you next year!

Faraday Team




Faraday News
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Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management