Our new version is out!

Faraday Team
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2021

Faraday v4: A new solution to current issues

Cyber security has been available to the 1%. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the growth of companies’ digital infrastructure. This process widened the attack surface of every business, with most common vulnerabilities being easy to find, easy to exploit, and easy to fix.

As a result, last year’s main victims of cyberattacks were the 99 % of businesses that can’t afford to hire security experts. These companies face a challenge: with little time and resources available, they need to avoid the risk of cyberattacks. It’s hard to know where or how to start.

Faraday Security Software is releasing its new Cloud version as a solution to this problem, an updated free security platform to make security simple and accessible to one and all.

In simple steps, and with no need of installation, any company can have a first scan of their domain right away. Results are obtained in a renewed dashboard, which shows a clear, well-organized overview of all the relevant information on their existing vulnerabilities, to start mitigating findings quickly and effortlessly. Security is all about being one step ahead.

The enhanced user interface works as a tool to help prioritization and decision-making processes, understanding the customers’ needs to create time and concentrate on what they do best. Finally, and with that same idea in mind, PDF reports can be generated for free, with actionable insights and clear data visualization.

Security made simple, accessible and free, as a commitment to solving the pressing problems of today.

This new version is available right here on Faraday’s website.

Users can try it out and start scanning immediately, for free!

See you in the cloud 🚀

