Thanks 2018!

Faraday News
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2019

Changing is important, and this year was definitely full of changes for us. Today, we say goodbye to 2018 by celebrating, sharing and thanking all those who help Faraday meet our daily goals and those of the entire community that keeps it alive and transforming year after year.

Our team celebrated with a day off on the outskirts of the city: sports and good food, relax and a special delivery of our personalized awards 🏆 highlighting those talents that make each one of us different, those little details that make someone or something special (from caring comes greatness; from the distinctive, diversity arises).

And much of the changes this year have to do with new people coming to the team, providing new ideas and features to be developed in Faraday to keep improving its performance and optimizing details that empower the platform so that you can make your daily workflow more effective and inspiring 😁

This year we are happy and proud of many things, such as 👇

  • Faraday reached version 3.0 (and counting!)
  • Our team continued to grow and differentiate their areas, working with better direction, focus and clarity in our objectives and assigned projects
  • We celebrated our 14th edition of ekoparty Security Conference
  • Our offices were optimized providing nature, color and a better distribution of spaces to increase inspiration while working
  • We incorporated a much stronger HR division to implement new benefits, which is already developing optimizations and wellness programs
  • We participated as sponsors and speakers of the most important conferences around the globe: Black Hat Asia, Black Hat USA, NotPinkCon, Owasp Latam, HackersBA, Charruacon Uruguay, CIITI, PyconAr, PlusCodeFest, 8.8 Chile and Seccon Dubai 🌎 💪

Thanks to all those who are part of this team, both inside the company and outside of it. To all those who choose to work with us and transform the sec community together day-to-day. Thanks to all the changes that you proposed, they encourage us to continue improving. Changing is important. And today we make a toast because we know that there are still many changes to come 🥂

We really hope you continue accompanying us in 2019 😍!

Faraday Team



Faraday News
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Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management