A bunch of reasons to back independent media with your end of year giving

When you support journalism you support all of your favorite causes at once

Chris Faraone
faraONe the MEDIA
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1 min readDec 27, 2016


Thanks to all of you who followed me from my personal reporting adventures like Oregon Tale to the community work I am currently doing with the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism. BINJ raised more than $100k in 2016, and in the process produced more than 20 features, 100-plus columns, and a number of events and multimedia projects. Please check out our end of year report (link below), and if you would like to know more about giving opportunities please feel free to contact me directly (fara1@binjonline.org) or just follow the prompts in this post:


Chris Faraone



Chris Faraone
faraONe the MEDIA

News Editor: Author of books including '99 Nights w/ the 99%,' | Editorial Director: binjonline.org & talkingjointsmemo.com