JOURNalism in 60 Seconds

My new series of quick (and hopefully helpful) tips for reporters

Chris Faraone
faraONe the MEDIA
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2021


Journalists Have Questions

But They’re Really Busy

Let’s Cut To The Chase

In Fewer Than 60

That’s the quick and easy premise of these new videos I am making whenever I have an extra few minutes. Journalism in 60 Seconds is a series of hot takes covering everything from interviewing techniques to newsroom technology. It’s part of a channel I am building, faraONe the MEDIA, in an effort to provide accessible and critical information about the media and journalism that people would actually want to watch.

I still work two jobs—as the E-i-C at DigBoston, and as the editorial director at BINJ. So these videos won’t be daily anytime soon. But I have already recorded 10 more and sketched out notes for the next 20, and hopefully now that I put these up I’ll be motivated to get a bunch more edited. It’s been fun so far, and if you have a request for a topic, please don’t hesitate to contact me here on Medium and/or via Twitter.

Check Out More Videos & Subscribe To faraONe the MEDIA Here



Chris Faraone
faraONe the MEDIA

News Editor: Author of books including '99 Nights w/ the 99%,' | Editorial Director: &