Farish’s Stories - my personal blog!

Farish CV
Farish’s Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2016

It’s been a while since I had planned to start writing my stories. I was debating whether it’s a good idea to start now, which platform should I use, etc. and finally I am here with my first blog on Medium publications (stories.farishcv.me). Here I will be sharing my learnings, updates and insights from personal experiences.

I bought this domain (farishcv.me) 4 years ago and it took this long to start using it :p I am also planning to design a personal website to showcase my portfolio works and other information about me. I already started working on it, building something using MDL (Material Design Lite) and Jekyll (static generator tool) on Firebase hosting; the challenge is MDL templates are normal HTML and I need to convert it into Jekyll static website to smoothen the content update management. I hope I can figure out something, I will share more about this later.

Why Medium and publication?

This is the question I have been asking myself when I decided to start my personal blog. Why should I use Medium instead of my own blogging system, WordPress or something else which allows you to own your own content and platform? Medium has made blogging fun and better than ever; it’s simple, easy to use and you can write your story on the way using the mobile app like I am writing this blog right now. So there are really no cons on going with Medium. The best part is, it’s a social media enabled platform for bloggers & readers and your story will reach out to a wider audience than ever.

Medium Publication lets you have the best of the both worlds, it lets you create your own brand using custom domain (with free SSL certificate) and at the same time your content is on a powerful social media blogging platform. Usually people use Publications for collection of articles by multiple writers or editors and organisations, but I think it’s not a bad idea to use it for your personal blog if you are brand conscious like me. We have been using Medium Publication at Jaaga Startup (JS) as our official blog for the last few months and it allowed us to just focus on the content and the rest of things like platform, audience were taken care of (no more formatting issues, plugging fixes and marketing).

This might not be a great idea, but a wise man once said you must keep pushing yourself and get out of the comfort zone (that wise man’s none other than Sundar Pichai). So here I am! In the next coming months you will be seeing more of my stories. Expecting your honest feedbacks and thoughts.



Farish CV
Farish’s Stories

Program Manager @GooglePlayDev | Ex @PitneyBowes , @NUMA_blr, @jaagarnaut, @startup_mission | Co-Founder @appmaker_xyz | Volunteer @GDG @IEEEorg @rethinkcolle