The Benefits of GrownBy’s Co-op Membership

We’re growing a community where successful farmers support one another

GrownBy Team
Farm Generations Cooperative
3 min readMar 22, 2024


Two farmers stand in a field and shake hands in silhouette at sunset.

After seeing farm after farm contend with tech companies working against their interests, our farmer co-founders, Mike Parker and Lindsey Lusher Shute, decided to take a different direction. They formed the Farm Generations Cooperative in 2018 and launched GrownBy 1.0 two years later.

Farm Generations Cooperative built GrownBy — the fair and farmer-owned sales platform for local food.

But we’re so much more than that. We are a community of farmers forging paths and partnerships with our respective communities and fellow farmers to build more just and equitable food systems.

Farm Generations Co-op is a multi-stakeholder cooperative. Our online sales platform, GrownBy, is owned by our farmer member-owners and employees. The platform itself offers an easier way to manage inventory and expand your customer base so that you can increase farm sales without losing profits to a middleman.

​Continue reading to learn about the benefits and application requirements to join Farm Generations Cooperative.

What is an agricultural co-op?

Co-ops are producer- and/or user-owned businesses that are controlled by and operate for the benefit of their members, rather than outside investors.

An agricultural, or farmer co-op is a business founded by farmers, owned by farmers, and designed by farmers. All members have equal stake and say in the co-op. In other words, our farmer-owners have a voice and vote in the systems and product (GrownBy) that they use every day.

Why is a farmer cooperative important?

Farm Generations offers a community-centered alternative that prioritizes people over profit and facilitates authentic relationships between farmers and shoppers

Farm Generations Cooperative serves successful farms across America. The primary purpose of our cooperative is to serve the farming community in which it operates and platforms.

When the co-op succeeds, the community it serves succeeds. When Farm Generations Cooperative reaches profitability, our member-owners benefit from annual cash dividend distributions.

Who is qualified to join the coop?

If you’re an agricultural producer and you’ve made at least one sale on GrownBy, then you’re eligible to join Farm Generations Cooperative! Individuals, business entities, co-ops, and nonprofits can all join. Meet our members here.

How much is it to join the coop?

Joining requires the purchase of a common stock share for $250. This can be paid all at once or in installments. We are adamant about making membership accessible and affordable; there are no other costs.

7 Cooperative Principles

What are the benefits of joining the co-op?

Benefits are threefold.

  1. Build Financial Equity Farm Generation Cooperative exists to directly benefit their members. Each farmer-owner has a stake in the company, which means owners are eligible for future dividends made from GrownBy.
  2. Equal Voting Power The farmer-owners elect their peers to the co-op board to ensure that the cooperative meets the needs of its members. Regardless of how big or small your operation, or how many sales you make on GrownBy, members are entitled to an equal role in cooperative decision making.
  3. Opportunity to Serve on the Board of Directors Our board of directors is controlled by farmers democratically elected from our membership. Serving on the board is an incredible opportunity to provide leadership for a technology company.

Interested in joining Farm Generations Cooperative?

Any agricultural producer who has made a sale through GrownBy is eligible to join Farm Generations Cooperative as a member owner. More details regarding benefits and application below! If you are interested in becoming a member, or have further questions, submit your application of interest here.

GrownBy is the fair & farmer-owned online marketplace that connects independent farmers with their local communities.

Build your farm shop on the GrownBy Marketplace for free and start selling your products in less than an hour. Follow along at @farmgenerationscoop and @grownbyapp.



GrownBy Team
Farm Generations Cooperative

The fair & farmer owned marketplace for local food. We share agriculture news & insights, sales & marketing tips, farmer success stories, and more.