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Farm Life
all about country living, permaculture principles in action, the birth of a regenerative agriculture business and the ups and downs of living on the edge of climate work
The river takes it all
The river takes it all
A great big shower finally washed off all the dirt which had been accumulating on the leaves for months. The temperature dropped from above…
Aimee Fenech
Sep 7, 2023
Saints, Planets, Dancing Hippies and Hope
Saints, Planets, Dancing Hippies and Hope
As the dry days go on and on the so called spring is disappearing and we have had no rain. We barely had anything in winter to so the…
Aimee Fenech
May 29, 2023
Winds of Change
Winds of Change
On days like today, with high winds blowing through the trees and through the gaps in the windows my brain struggles to remember a time…
Aimee Fenech
Feb 9, 2023
Ode to the amphibians, our co-living companions
Ode to the amphibians, our co-living companions
I wrote this in the summer, what great memories of swimming among the fish and the frogs.
Aimee Fenech
Dec 21, 2022
The rains are finally here
The rains are finally here
After the drought the raindrops fall fat and fast upon the land. The air feels cleaner perhaps that’s the effect of the dust dragged back…
Aimee Fenech
Dec 14, 2022
A Raging Fire close to home
A Raging Fire close to home
When I started to write this article a wild fire (possibly arson) had been raging on for 6 days in the Granada region where I live with my…
Aimee Fenech
Sep 22, 2022
Figs, almonds, grapes and wild blackberries
Figs, almonds, grapes and wild blackberries
August is the hottest month here at Finca Verde but it rewards us with multiple harvests for which we are grateful.
Aimee Fenech
Aug 18, 2022
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