Here’s how you’re saving British farmers

Susan Holtham
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2017
Farmer Jack at the small mixed farm Purton House Organics in Wiltshire

British farmers are being saved, thanks to you. By voting with your pound, you’re changing the lives of British farmers and the communities that surround them. Here’s the story of farmer Rowie Meers at Purton House Organics in Swindon — thanks to you, the impact on her life and livelihood has been extraordinary.

Rowie is living proof that the ‘back-to-the-land’ journey is a viable alternative to intensive methods that harm the environment and our health. The first farmer to sell directly to consumers via Farmdrop, in this film she shares the beauty of small-scale organic British farming and how her business has been turned around since working with the platform.

Rowie Meers on changing the system and saving British farmers

“Since working with Farmdrop, we’ve doubled our beef sales and quadrupled the amount of pork we produce (going from a pig a month, to a pig a week). We’re expanding our beef herd at the moment and have recently got a new chicken house so we can have another 300 birds too.

Farmdrop have helped me to have other outlets. Before, what we were selling in our farm shop really wasn’t enough to warrant having beef and pork consistently available every week. Now meat is a permanent fixture in my farm shop — this is all thanks to the fact that by now selling most of our produce via Farmdrop, we can stock our farm shop. The team handles the marketing which takes a huge hassle away from me, so I can concentrate on producing good food for our customers.

Working with Farmdrop has has saved me. The people here are really in tune with how we work and because you’ve looked after us we’ve turned around what was a loss into a profit for our business. We’re heading in the right direction.”

Discover more about Rowie’s farm and more real-life British farming stories, of places and people with faces. (Not fake farm names…)

