Story Of My Farm— The Conclusion

FarmGuide India
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2017

There was a story of a farmer who hung himself to a tree in his farm as he failed to clear his debt of 210 rupees.

Many might think, I could have financially helped him if I knew this before. But the main thing to understand here is,

Its not the amount of money that cost his life, it is the loss of hope, determination and fighting spirit that did.

Farmers never select farming as their profession. They do it for a reason. They feel connected to their farm, their animals and their crops. For a farmer, a fully harvested crop is the most happiest scene to visualize.

What forces a farmer to give up on his farm? Why does a farmer decide to commit suicide? Why does he select death over life, leaving his most loved farm and family alone?

Plenty of hardships and reasons can be written down, figuring the answers to the above questions. But the main and prime reason behind these farmer hardships is lack of information services.

Lack of information related to,

  • Weather Advisory
  • Market Prices
  • Government Schemes
  • Crop Advisory
  • Contingency Situations

Lets have a deeper insight about the above mentioned problems, what they mean and how will information related to these parameters would help a farmer.

Weather Advisory

Indian Agriculture hugely depends on the climatic conditions. Sudden environmental changes often lead to crop damage leaving the farmer clueless in just a day or two. Heavy rains, floods, hailstones and many more natural calamities result in 100% damage of crops.

A farmer has no idea about these climatic changes and in most cases, these calamities are unpredictable. But, with the help of technology, the situation can be improved. Protective measures can be taken in advance by the farmer if they receive information related to climatic changes.

Market Prices

Farmers only know how to cultivate a healthy crop and provide it to the world. Most of the farmers stay unaware of the demand and value that certain crop holds in the market.

This pays way to a lot of cheating and fraud. In every picture, the farmer is at loss. He is forced to sell his produce at a low cost and ultimately ends up with minimum money and in some cases less than what he invested.

Imagine yourself to be a farmer giving your blood and bone to a farm for an entire season and not receiving the minimum money for the produce. The feeling is bad. In fact, it is the worst.

Government Schemes

Living in a fancy world, we might sometimes feel proud of the government launching so many schemes for the farmer welfare. But the deeper truth is, the schemes do not reach the farmers in most of the cases.

Farmers do not have access to digital media, televisions and some do not even have an electricity connection. In this kind of scenario, the schemes released by the government reach only a few farmers.

On the other side, many farmers work extensively on the field and return home tired, not finding time to lead a normal life. Farmers usually carry a high amount of tension and fright as they deal with the most volatile profession. They do not find time to shower love on their loved ones, and lead a pleasant life as most of us do.

Crop Advisory

The problem with selecting crops for the season has been continuing from a very long time. We use Google to know answers to most of our questions. Unfortunately, farmers do not have access to the digital world.

Farmers depend on traditional methods to select crops for the season that do not bring in guaranteed results. The climatic situations have changed and evolved a lot these days.

Using technology to provide information to the farmer regarding the type of crop to be planted, amount of fertilizers that need to be added, and quality of pesticides that need to be supplied, can bring in profits to the farmer as well as the entire Agriculture sector.

Contingency Situations

Contingency is a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.

Farming is filled with contingent situations. Any information related to emergency situations can help farmers to take predictive measures that would help them save their farm.

End of stories?

No. Certainly not.

There are so many stories to narrate regarding the farmer experiences in India. But all these stories end up on a similar issue and problem statement i.e lack of information services.

FarmGuide has taken an initiative to provide these information services to farmers across the nation.

These information services would not only change the fate of Indian farming, but also bring in light and prosperity into a farmers lives and make them take effective decisions in farming.

We are taking the entire responsibility of Indian agriculture economy onto our shoulders. The power and support of the common people in India is most needed in this scenario.

Come join us. Together, lets sponsor farmers and make information services reach them.


