FarmGuide Yield Assessment : The Tool About Which Seed Companies in India are Talking About

FarmGuide India
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018
Only 25% of the seed demand in India is met by top 10 seed companies. (Christian Joudrey on Unsplash)

The Indian seed market is the world’s fifth largest and is valued at Rs 15,000 crore. However, seed companies have not been able to take advantage of this huge market potential because 60% of farmers are marginal farmer and studies have found that they often prefer cheap, unbranded seeds which are sold as high yield variety (HYV). The government estimates that there are 400 to 500 private seed companies in India and only 25% of the seed is supplied by top 10 organisations.

While farmers are aware that HYV seeds are more beneficial, they are unable to differentiate between authentic and fake seed providers. However, seed companies can create market differentiation by opting for the yield assessment tool being used by the Government of India.

FarmGuide, which also provides the e-governance tool for crop insurance, has developed a multi-hierarchical app for Yield Assessment capable of validating and integrating estimates using satellite imagery. The Yield Assessment app is a data management solution facilitating accurate estimation of average harvest yield by ensuring reliable crop cutting experiments.

With the introduction of Yield Assessment, Farmguide has brought accuracy and transparency in a process that crucial for a country’s production forecasts. These projections help countries prepare for a shortfall or surplus of a particular crop.

FarmGuide’s App not only captures video and GPS coordinates of the crop cutting experiment, but also facilitates real-time monitoring of the process by allowing stakeholders to supervise and generate reports. Seed companies can use these reports to create market differentiation and weed out fake HYV seed suppliers. To learn more about FarmGuide’s Yield Assessment tool, please contact us.

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