Thick Skull Profile

Uttam Grandhi
Farming: Ancient Art Meets Modern World
3 min readSep 11, 2014


Course : Farming — Ancient Art Meets Modern World
Taught by: Britta Riley

My preferences for the Thick Skull Profile

Strong Preference

  • Scalability: I like to share my ideas with other farmers and grow high quality crops from each others’ learnings and experiences.
  • Immediately Implementable: I like to be surrounded by plants so I prefer making something which is immediately implementable than futuristic.
  • Grown by Hand: I’m a maker and I enjoy the gratification of successfully growing something with my hands.
  • Personal: I prefer growing food for mine and my family’s needs. And I’m not very interested in commercialization as of yet.
  • Close contact with crops: I aspire to form a psychological bond with my plants. Hence, I like to be in close contact with them.
  • Fruit/Veg/Grain of Primary Interest: I’m a vegetarian by birth. And I don’t like cruelty towards conscious living beings.
  • Low Environmental Impact: I’m trying to avoid practices that have hazardous effects on environment.
  • Tastes Good: I want my produce to taste really good.

Slight Preference

  • Self-Grown: Though I like growing things by myself, sometimes I prefer eating foods growing by specialists in a local form.
  • Modular: I lean towards modularity because it helps me plan and be more efficient.
  • Observed: Just to be in constant contact with nature, I try to make my crops observed. But sometimes, it is better to seek some help from technology.
  • Low Budget/ Unabashed: I consider myself beginner in farming so I try to optimize my costs and keep it low budget.
  • Crop Diversity: Though in a limited number, I like growing a variety of crops. But if a specific plant is growing/not-growing very well, I’d definitely focus on that.
  • Inputs & Outputs Ok: Like I said before, I like to spend time with nature, so definitely I’d love to respond to the plant’s needs and also stay healthy by eating fresh produce.
  • NO GMO: I feel it is sometimes not really good to eat genetically modified food without knowing their implications well.
  • Organic Growing Methods: I prefer using organic growing methods than using chemicals/ other techniques just to increase yield.
  • For Art / Education / Activism or Pleasure: My interests fit in all the four categories. I see myself creating gardens/ sculptures for pleasure / education.

Either Way

  • Engaging: I like growing cacti ( requires less engagement )/ bonsai ( requires more engagement ) equally. So, I should say, I don’t have any special preference to grow only engaging plants.
  • Nutrient Density: I think it actually depends on the need, I don’t have any specific focus on nutrient density right now.
  • Fair Trade/ Labor Vs Standard Practice: I have little idea about this so I don’t have any preference right now.



Uttam Grandhi
Farming: Ancient Art Meets Modern World

Elastic Mind Enthusiast. Makes things using technology. Alumni @ITP_NYU @vfs @bitspilaniindia. Drop a line: ug251[at]