Go to FarmSTAND Stories
FarmSTAND Stories
Learn more about the communities and legal cases that are transforming the food system for good.
Note from the editor

Learn more about the communities and legal cases that are transforming the food system for good.

Go to the profile of FarmSTAND
We're the only legal project in the U.S. focused solely on dismantling industrial animal ag & supporting a vision for a sustainable food system @Public_Justice
Go to the profile of Masha Vernik
Go to the profile of Jessica Culpepper
Jessica Culpepper
Food Project Director at @Public_Justice. Wife to @RevJustinMartin. Proud mom of 3 kids & 2 rescues. Fighting for a just food system. Tweets are my own.
Go to the profile of David Muraskin
David Muraskin
#FoodProject attorney @Public_Justice defending consumers & farmers against #BigAg. @Richard_Berman says I'm a "fanatical" "activist." #DC based. Dog obsessed.