Boosting your Productivity for Impact

Finding the juice 🥤to power up a nation….

Temitope Olukanmi
3 min readJun 27, 2022


It doesn’t help to resound the fouls committed by your country every day because it can make you feel & act like a victim rather than a victor/ victoria ;)

The obvious failures and impossibilities in the systems can crush your spirit before you even begin thus weakening your dogma and will to bring about change.

So what do you then?

How do you survive in a dysfunctional system ?

Hi there, my name is Temi and I’ve been in the impact sector (Education and Agriculture) for 6 + years in one of the most under developed nations in the world and here are 3 quick tips to boost your juice levels.

  1. Know your goal: Why do you do what you do and what are your convictions behind it? I’ve learned that if your goal is purely financial, and you don’t see any results after a year, you might evict yourself out of the game before any competitors arrive because the country and the challenges surrounding your ambition might drain you. So know your why.
Your “why” drives your focus so know your “why” (Source: Google Images)

2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew : In music classes back in my primary school, I learnt an italian word “poco a poco” and this means little by little. The reason why Nigerians would say #OYO, which means “on your own,” is that if you bite off more than you can chew, you might just choke on it because there might not be a first responder to save you. Because we live in a dynamic world where things change extremely quickly, it’s important to identify your niche, start small, set milestones and important goals, choose your pace, find quick solutions and adapt them to the difficulties.

3. Don’t feel the urge to fix every issue all at once: Even Captain America required the help of the Avengers to save the world so who are your Avengers? who will help you create solutions to save the world? If you choose a team of unreliable individuals, you’ll discover that you’ll spend more time dealing with internal problems than the issue at hand or the needs of the consumer. In order to achieve your business needs, choose passionate individuals who possess the necessary superpowers for your goal and nuture them.

Who are people are in your team? What are their super powers and how can you harness that to solve your business need. (Source: Google Images)

Beyond this advice, be true to who you are. Be honest about the level or season you are in and your true self. Being a leader is difficult enough since there are so many standards to meet, but one thing I’ve learned is that your decisions determine your lifes’ trajectory, so make sure your life’s purpose(what you are on earth for) is guiding your choices.

Here’s some love and light from your favourite hitchhiker

Finding your zen to juice up your world in a seemlingly bleak economy can be tough but I hope that these three tips will give you the zest that you need to thrive this week!

At Farmz2u we seek to create an environment where undiscovered talents flourish. And where you’ll hopefully find your avengers in Hitchhikers. Find out more about our work culture at



Temitope Olukanmi
Writer for

The World through my eyes || Igniting Purposeful and Value based Living