Bring Casual Games Back, Please: A Web3 Twist on Our Old Favorites!

Quirky Turtle
Farty Bera
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2024

The saddest news I have heard in 2022 is that Miniclips had shut down their server for good as it was a massive part of my childhood. Ah, the good old days — spending hours on Flash game portals like Miniclip and Newgrounds, where the only thing that mattered was topping the high score table and mastering every last trick of “Helicopter Game” or “Bejeweled.”

Interface of Miniclip
Interface of Miniclip

These simple, yet addictive games weren’t just quick distractions; they were full-on community magnets.

The magic of quick clicks, and the nostalgic memory…

Why did we love those browser games so much? They were the ultimate quick fix — no downloads, no big commitments. Just pure, unfiltered fun at the click of a button. And the best part? They were usually free or really cheap. This low barrier to entry made these games incredibly popular, fostering communities that buzzed with competition and camaraderie.

Web3: A perfect playground for casual games

🐻 Products live in cycles, you cannot convince me the next casual games platform will not be in Web3.

Why is Web3 a dream come true for revitalizing these nostalgic hits? Because it’s all about the culture, the communal memories, and, above all, fun — just like those casual games we used to love. Web3 values the quick and casual, making it a perfect match for games that are easy to jump into and hard to put down.

Adding a sprinkle of Web3 magic means players could earn tokens or collect NFTs while blasting through levels or solving puzzles. These rewards could turn gameplay into mini-investments without sacrificing the fun — a win-win for gamers and developers alike.

The Cautionary Tale of “Play to Earn”…When it should be…”Play and Earn”

Enter the era of “play to earn,” with Axie Infinity at the helm, promising a revolution where gaming meets earning. It was a neat idea — until it wasn’t. The focus shifted from fun to finance, turning playful gaming into a speculative frenzy. What was meant to be revolutionary ended up as a cautionary tale about losing the fun factor in the chase for cash.

The casual web games of yesteryear thrived because they put fun first. That’s how it should always be. The earning and competitions should just be the cherry on top — elements that add a bit of spice and provide incentives for platform supporters, without overshadowing the joy of the game itself. Integrating Web3 should enhance the gaming experience, offering rewards and new possibilities without compromising what makes games worth playing in the first place.

Game on the future with Farty Bera, with the right ecosystem🐻

Picture this: a gaming platform where every alien zapped or jewel matched earns you cool digital collectibles or some in-game cryptocurrency. Trade them, save them, or use them to level up. With Web3’s knack for quick updates and scalability, games can evolve with their audience, keeping everyone hooked and making sure the gaming vibe stays fresh.

Beras having fun with FARTY

🐻❕FARTY is here for you! Farty is building the gaming platform with the real “Play and Earn” mechanism that secures your fun time and your bag!

When it comes to building this fun-packed playground, picking the right blockchain is like choosing the best arcade game — go for the one that guarantees an awesome time! That’s where Berachain comes in. It’s not just another blockchain; it’s like the arcade where everyone wants to hang out. Let’s tap into a vibe that’s all about fun and community.

What do we get? A gaming renaissance that’s set to rock the digital world. Game on, Farty Bera promise to make it legen — dary!

Stay tuned for Farty Bera…We’ve been cooking.

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Quirky Turtle
Farty Bera

Quirky Turtle is building a gaming portal for bears