Artificial Intelligence, It’s a commodity if you know how to use it!

Abhay Bharadwaj
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2020

In this Digital Era, every company, service and technology is trying to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to improve efficiency and get better business outcomes.

AI isn’t something new. We had rudimentary forms of AI such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) being implemented by industries in their operations for nearly two decades. We now have technologies that have matured to such an extent that scaling up AI has become easier and quicker. We are in a better position to reap the full benefits of AI.

Many industries and companies now expect a quick and magical remedy to all the problems they face in their ops when they try to implement AI into their existing process. And when the magic doesn’t happen, the industry leaders are very quick to put AI in a sceptic light and say it’s “Overrated”! But, those companies and industries that have been leveraging the power of ANN and truly understand the intricacies, they are reaping the benefits.

People hope that AI will create waves in the tech world and magically solve all problems. What they often tend to forget is that AI is a part of a long term strategy and isn’t an overnight solution to solve one’s problems. It may take as much as 12 to 14 months before you can actually see impactful results of your implementations. You need patience to reap the benefits as it takes time to build and leverage the right datasets for your AI to give quality results.

People have a misconception that things like AI and IoT (Internet of Things) are a Technology. They have to understand that they are “Applied Technology” and not standalone.

Fasal leverages the use of IoT and AI along with our tech stack to get better insights, better predictions. A simple example is the use of AI to detect anomalies in our live data sets that we receive from our sensor devices, our microclimate forecasts, disease and pest predictions based on past and present data sets.



Abhay Bharadwaj
Editor for

Senior Embedded Engineer | Full Stack IoT Developer | Technology Trainer | Orator