Procedure to become a grape exporter in India

Himani Kamboj
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

The Indian grape growers who aspire to become grape exporters need to follow a procedure that involves registering their farm, getting their samples tested, and obtaining certifications that will allow them to export their yield worldwide.

But before that, it is crucial to understand all the key points required to produce an export-quality crop. You may read our blog on ‘How to produce export quality grapes?’ if you’ve not yet read it.

Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is the organization that takes care of the end-to-end system from farm registrations to certification and accreditations. APEDA maintains an online portal called GrapeNet that allows for filing farm registrations, sample test reports, and other documents.

Export Quality grapes

To export grapes from India, farmers need to complete a few formalities to have a smooth and hassle-free export:


  • All the farmers looking to export directly or through an exporter have to register their farms through a registration form collected from their district horticulture office.
  • The registration authorities then check for the correctness of the information submitted by the farmer through physical verifications and farm visits.
  • Once approved, farmers get entry into the GrapeNet portal.
  • The registration is valid for three years.
Grape export registration


  • The farms registered/intended to get registered shall not use chemicals under developmental trials and are not registered with CIB&RC.
  • The Inspection Authority (Agriculture /Horticulture Officer) ensures the non-use of such chemicals and educates the farmers accordingly.
  • The first inspection is carried out at the time of farm registration, and the second inspection is carried out 20 days before sampling.
  • The information collected is filled up in the GrapeNet portal for further proceedings and lab analysis.
Pesticide spray in grapes


  • Farmers and exporters are required to provide a schedule to the laboratories and Inspecting Authorities well in advance for the drawl of samples.
  • The samples of grapes, soil, and water are drawn in the presence of farmers or their representatives.
  • And the samples are sent to the laboratories that have valid APEDA recognition.
  • The laboratories test the samples for the residue levels of the chemicals banned in India or the European Union (EU).
Grape sampling for export certification.


  • The Certificate of Agmark Grading (CAG) shall be issued only after receipt of the inspection report from the laboratories through GrapeNet.
Certificate of Agmark Grading (CAG)
  • The Phyto-Sanitary Certificate (PSC) authorities issue the PSC after physical verification of the product at the APEDA recognized pack-house.

Responsibilities of farmers, growers, and exporters:

List of chemicals to be monitored in the grape crop.

How can Fasal help you become a successful exporter of grapes?

Fasal has a data-driven, AI-powered system in place that can help you produce top-notch quality grapes through farm-level data collection and actionable advisories sent out specifically for your farm.

Among many features that Fasal provides, the disease and pest prediction feature enables you to take control measures much in advance. This can help you minimize pesticide usage to a great extent and get you closer to the export certificates in no time.

Want to know more? Connect with us now.

