Traceability in horticulture — Why it’s a must-have and how do you improve it

Himani Kamboj
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2023

Traceability is no longer an optional feature to opt for but a necessary part of today’s world since most transactions have gone digital. Additionally, thanks to the surging interest in blockchain technology, there is a growing need and expectation for traceability to take root in the diverse supply chain of the agricultural/horticultural industry.

Traceability in horticulture

What does traceability in horticulture look like?

Traceability is important for ensuring horticultural products’ quality, safety, and sustainability. It allows for the identification and recall of potentially unsafe products, the monitoring of products to ensure they meet established quality standards, and the tracking of products throughout the supply chain to ensure they were grown and processed in an environmentally sustainable manner. It also helps to build consumer trust and increase demand for horticultural products. Overall, traceability is an essential part of the horticulture supply chain for maintaining the quality of horticultural products and the reputation of the industry as a whole.

6 Ways to improve traceability:

Ways to improve traceability
  1. Barcode and RFID technology: They can be used to track and trace products throughout the supply chain. This can be done by attaching RFID tags to products or by printing barcodes on the packaging and allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of products, making it easy to identify where products came from and where they are going.
  2. Sensors and IoT devices: IoT devices and sensors can be used to collect data on crop yields, soil moisture, weather conditions etc. This data can then be used to optimize farming practices, improve crop yields, and reduce waste. It can also be used to track the movement of products through the supply chain, providing transparency and traceability to the process.
  3. Blockchain technology: Blockchain technology can be used to securely store and share data, making it an ideal solution for tracking the movement of products through the supply chain. In short, blockchain allows for real-time visibility and transparency, ensuring that all parties have access to the same information.
  4. Smart contracts: Smart contracts are digital contracts that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. For example, a smart contract could be set up to automatically pay a farmer when a certain amount of crops are harvested. This can help to ensure that farmers are paid fairly and on time, and it can also help to reduce the risk of fraud and errors.
  5. Automation: Automation can be used to streamline the process of tracking products through the supply chain. For example, IoT devices can be used to automate the monitoring and management of irrigation systems, which can help to conserve water and improve crop yields. Similarly, IoT devices can be used to automate the monitoring and management of animal health, which can help to reduce the risk of disease and improve the overall health of animals.
  6. Implement standard certifications: Implement certifications such as Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) or GlobalG.A.P. These certifications provide a benchmark that ensures food safety, quality and sustainability are met. They also provide a way to show consumers that the products are grown and processed in a transparent and traceable way.

By implementing some of these traceability measures, horticultural products can be produced in a safe, high-quality, and sustainable way. As a result, it helps to build trust with consumers and increase demand for these commodities. In addition, traceability allows farmers to identify any issues that may arise and address them quickly and efficiently.

How Fasal bringing traceability into Horticulture

Fasal is tackling the traceability problem by providing multiple precision farming services to horticulturists who want to not just grow more and better but also have a complete overview of their operations. How are we doing this?

Fasal IoT System

The Fasal IoT system provides farmers with valuable insights and recommendations during the plant growth cycle through the use of sensors and data collection. The system can be installed on any farm and it collects data on farm-level macro and microclimatic conditions. This data is then analyzed by agronomic models, AI and ML modules, and provided to farmers as operational advice. Furthermore, the IoT system can help prevent potential disease and pest outbreaks and send alerts to farmers, allowing them to take preventive measures. Additionally, the system includes an Irrigation Alert System, which helps farmers monitor their irrigation needs and use water efficiently.

Fasal Fresh

The Fasal Fresh network facilitates end-to-end traceability of sales and procurement of agricultural commodities by connecting farmers and buyers directly. The network guarantees fair and competitive pricing, timely payment, and transparency in deals for farmers, ensuring that all parties have visibility and certainty in their transactions.

