Short Story | Fascinate Me Fiction | MacGuffin Mayhem

Fair-weathered Friends

She thought they were her friends. She was wrong.

Meghan E. Gattignolo
Fascinate Me Fiction
6 min readAug 27, 2024


When Ashley looked up, she realized she was alone.

“Hey, guys?” Ashley spoke barely above a whisper.

No one answered.

The cave was big and very dark. Ashley couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched, and that shouting could get her into trouble.

“Where did you go?”

One minute, Ashley was with her friends exploring the cave in Janet’s backyard. The next, she was alone. Where could four teenage girls hide in these tunnels? She swiped her flashlight back and forth as she made her way, looking for any trace that might help her situation, trying hard not to cry.

When Ashely moved to town in the 3rd grade, Janet and her gang immediately latched on and showed her around. Ashley felt like she had a ready-made group of friends. They invited her to the skating rink, they shared Barbies, and they sang Mariah Carey’s newest albums together all night long.

Ashley once thought her Janet and the other girls were all that and a bag of chips, but ever since middle school started, the girls seemed to pull away. They stopped including her…

