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Short Story

Navigating Sleep

Is sleep merely a respite from the world’s troubles? Or a bridge to realms unknown?

5 min readAug 21, 2024


Slumber, a cherished refuge of Morpheus, a 25-year-old from Kanyakumari — the Southern tip of India, transforms into a distant aspiration during the nationwide lockdown. Once the lockdown is lifted, Morpheus’ quest for a restful slumber reaches a pinnacle as he travels from the shores of Kanyakumari to the towering peaks of Leh.

In the coastal town of Kanyakumari, folks are stocking up on essential groceries and sanitizers. In a commune tucked away near the shore, Morpheus, a 25-year-old, is still asleep.

“Wake up, you Kumbhakarna (a demon cursed to sleep like he is dead)!” his roommate Pasithea shouts.

You call your dear friend Kumbhakarna. So, who am I? Bakasura (a ravenous demon known for endless appetite) or Asura (a demon)?” her fiancé Hypnos smirks while gobbling idly.

“Don’t start your Tandav (Dance of Fury)!” Pasithea slams a cup of coffee on the table.

As Morpheus finally wakes up to the sound of Hypnos turning on the TV, the news of a nationwide lockdown flashes. “Ah! What am I supposed to do with my travel?” he anxiously exhales while orienting himself from a deep slumber.

