9 Habits You Can Change When It Comes To Buying Clothes

Stop spending a small fortune on clothes while still saying you have nothing to wear

Lu Mar
Fashion and Style


Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

Clothes shopping will always be an exciting way to spend our time for some of us. No financial guru can convince me to wear the same outfit everyday to save money: I’m a fashion historian for god's sake! However, there are many habits that can be picked up, and others neglected, in order to dress chic and fashionably without wasting all your money on clothes.

Prioritise your basics over the exciting trends

I used to always be attracted to the sparkly, exciting new trends that I think are a new classic. They never are.

You spend an inflated price on them to wear them a handful of times just to have them either fall apart or if they last that long, sit in your wardrobe unworn.

Honestly, the amount of money I have spent on these types of items could have amounted to a truly classic and long-lasting pair of jeans or coat. Both things that I could have worn to death.

Once you have got all your basics secured, that’s when you can splurge on the trend pieces. The basics I would recommend are:

  • Blue and black jeans (think about the…



Lu Mar
Fashion and Style

English Literature and History Graduate living in Oxford and working in Motorsport Marketing. Contact me: lumarrim@gmail.com