Forget iPhones! TV Apps Are The Next Frontier For Fashion Brands

Kade Killary
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2015


Squinting, swiping, squinting, swiping….*adjusts blinding brightness*

While shopping on an iPhone is certainly a slice of 21st century technological nirvana, it is certainly less than ideal. The iPad, while larger, still lacks the undeniable ease of a fully immersive experience.

However, Apple has arrived yet again to seemingly save the day.

Apple recently launched a revamped iteration of Apple TV on September 9th. This version will dive deeper into Apple’s iOS interface seeing apps previously exclusive to the iPhone on TV.

One area in particular is going to be big business moving forward, fashion. GILT has already signed on as one of the companies to offer an app on the TV.

The advantages for a brand to TV apps are as follows:

Imagine your TV coming equipped with a webcam similar to a Macbook now. While shopping merely on the functionallity and see different garments from the retailer projected onto you and visualized on the screen. From there you could swipe left or right easily changing the garment. Hand gestures could then be integrated so that a thumbs up indicates an addition to your cart, while a clap transports you right to checkout.

Science fiction?

Not quite, all of the technology exists…



Kade Killary

Quantitative Economics Major. Interested in Retail Innovation. My ideas on how to improve the retail experience.