Les Assorties
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2016

Founded by Lilya Areifulina in Moscow in 2013, Runa is a fine jewelry company specializing in creating utterly contemporary pieces with precious metals and stones. Lilya’s range of jewelry — ear cuffs, rings, pendants and body chains — is entirely handcrafted to order at her atelier in Hong Kong using a handpicked variety of raw materials — particularly gold, diamonds, and precious stones; the designer cites sapphire as her favorite. Thanks to the original character of her collections — they are a merge of Lilya’s passions, namely music, art, and cultural motifs — Runa has already attracted the attention of renowned press and the hottest celebrities worldwide like Katy Perry and Madonna. We sat down with Lilya to discuss putting together a collection, the revamp of the fine jewelry industry and her biggest inspirations.

Tell us a few words about you and your background, and how you became interested in fine jewelry.

I have never planned to be a jewelry designer, it just suddenly happened like any good thing does. Runa turned out to be a brand after an idea. I couldn’t find the design I wanted at stores, and decided to create it by myself. I created a pair of earrings, then my friends asked me to design something similar for them, and, step by step, I realized that it turned into a real collection. I was supported and inspired by one of my closest friends who insisted that I launched Runa. She also helped me find the right name, and, to this day, she continues to inspire me a lot.

What are the main materials you use? Do you have a signature stone?

I mostly use gold, and diamonds, sapphires and spinnel. I am a big fan of sapphires! I think they are so different and give me choice and freedom to create. I even love the word “sapphire!”

How hard is it to find and develop a particular, identifiable style?

Well, it was never hard for me, as I have a clear image of the model in my head before creating it. The only thing that can be difficult sometimes is the technical aspect; it’s process that can take a long time and many tries.

Which is the piece of your collection that best represents the vision behind your brand?

It changes every month! Star ear cuffs are still a favorite; the ice cream cones are funny; the spikes are all about Rock ’n’ Roll — they all have a small piece of what I love — tradition, fun and Rock ’n’ Roll.

Do you take risks when designing?

Trying something is always a risk, but there would be no life and no future without taking a risk, right?

The fine jewelry industry has been revamped during the last seasons, and designers have been following in a more
contemporary approach. Have you spotted any up-and-coming trends you find interesting?

Yes, I love this idea that jewelry is a part of a joke and the everyday life. They are not the “heavy” treasures you used to stock at the bank. It’s a tendency displayed in every aspect of life — people today want to have everything now, use it now, enjoy it now, and, if happens, loose it now; they won’t regret anything! They move on, it’s a kind of freedom.

Your creations have adorned many celebrities. Who is the woman you design for?

Every woman I meet in my life — my friends, of course, and every person I meet on the streets, the airport, a café; people are my hugest inspiration. And I love cinema, of course; it’s a never-ending love and fountain of inspiration.

Do you wish to appeal to more customers or cater to a selected few? Is an affordable line something that would interest you?

My only wish is to make customers happy wearing my jewelry. I don’t plan that far ahead — I like when people enjoy the jewelry, afford to buy and wear them.

What are your future plans?

I am a little superstitious when talking about the future… Let me surprise you!
Images © Runa

Interview by Alexandra Zografou

This post originally appeared on

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Originally published at on February 1, 2016.



Les Assorties

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