Rompers now Romping MEN?

Aoun Zia
Fashion Creeks
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2017

Masculinity is fragile, but maybe they just want rompers.

The RompHim might seem like the latest instance of a traditionally feminine thing being repackaged for a man in a way that lets him retain his sense of masculinity. The Kickstarter for the product — a line of rompers for men, it’s that simple — blew past its $10,000 goal on its first day. You might roll your eyes at another instance of men refusing to acknowledge that they’re doing something feminine, assuring themselves “don’t worry, boys, this is a MAN’S romper.” But are they the ones cloaking this in a veil of irony and jokes? Or are we still just uncomfortable with men dressing like women?

“We still aren’t totally sure why rompers haven’t been widely adopted by men,” the RompHim team told over email. “Most of our reference pieces were either from the sci-fi movies…from ’70s films and photos (including James Bond in Goldfinger), and a few high fashion pieces intended for men.” However, they admit that a lot of the reluctance probably comes from the piece being currently associated with women’s fashion, and that it being a single piece makes it feel like a dress.

Bond in Rompers

To read more: Follow the link!



Aoun Zia
Fashion Creeks

Experienced digital marketer, social media influencer, and artist with a proven record of success in crafting innovative strategies for global brands.