The Travel Bug (Part II)


Nicole Herzog
Time Travel Cocktail
3 min readApr 16, 2017


When you need a weekend adventure, get outside of your city! About 1.5 hours south of San Francisco you will find the adorable beach side escapes of Santa Cruz and Capitola. Get inspired to plan your own day trip outside your home town. Adventures await you!

Santa Cruz pier

“The secret of adventure, then, is not to carefully seek it out but to travel in such a way that it finds you.” Rolf Potts (Vagabonding)

Downtown Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz pier with volleyball players and lots of carnival rides!
Watching the carnival chaos from our quiet place above.
Monterey Bay in the back ground. Inappropriate velvet long sleeve shirt on a hot day outfit. New Santa Cruz hat, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Highlight moments from Santa Cruz

  1. A lady in downtown Santa Cruz was giving away free hugs. So I hugged her!
  2. Hawaiian band playing the bongos in the streets.
  3. Seals bobbing up and down following a guy in a lazy raft. You get him!
  4. When by chance, I got a Carmen San Diego hat above ^^^ because the hat I wanted was stuck to the hat rack, and this one wasn’t. Thanks Matt!
Soquel Creek leading out into the ocean
Venetian Court
Walking paths between Soquel Creek and beautiful idyllic homes
Quiet side street with train tracks above.
We climbed above the creek and OH what a view!
Venetian Court. Our view after sunset and a few margaritas kicked back ;)

Highlight moments from Capitola:

  1. Beautiful creek side homes
  2. The otherworldly feel of the waterways and bridges and walking paths
  3. The discovery of Shadowbrook and it’s allure as a destination dinner stop... aka, me going back next weekend to eat there.
  4. A 1950s taxi going by with three elderly women, dressed to the nines, as if trapped in a time warp, heading to the Shadowbrook. Eery!
  5. Margaritas at Margaritaville, on the water with Herzog and Karen KB. Can’t beat that!

Other travel stories:

  1. Cataract Falls and Fairfax
  2. Tahoe Train



Nicole Herzog
Time Travel Cocktail

I like things that sparkle in an obnoxious kind of way. Events, writing, sewing, musings.