Your Humor Can Be Dark, Your Clothes Should Not!

The harsh (but helpful) fashion advice that you need to improve your image and style.

Orthodox Girl
Fashion Police
5 min readJan 26, 2023


Orthodox Girl via Pintrest

The Case Against Black
The one predictable, boring, and one-dimensional mistake everyone makes in fashion, which belongs in the grave, is wearing black. Of course, people would choose to wear black for many reasons. However, I’m here to address only the most popular — hiding weight. As a Fashion Designer, my main advice for women and men is to avoid wearing black, especially to “cover up weight.”

The apparel world has long fed us a lie that wearing black will hide that unnecessary fat and make us appear slimmer (and, as a result, more desirable). In reality, no matter how black the outfit is, that muffin top will show through. This trend is steeped in insecurities, and while it means well, it causes more damage than good. We are the light of this world, so why should our personal radiance be covered up at the cost of concealing a few pounds?

Fashion wasn’t created to hide but rather to enhance. This is a page out of the vintage classic European notebook of style. By traditional European style standards, one focuses on accentuating their strength. This implies two things: that everyone has a weakness and that everyone has a strength/feature.

Orthodox Girl via Pintrest

Downsides of Trends
Terrifyingly, today’s fashion and beauty trends burden the individual to have everything — perfect hair, skin, face, and body. Realistically we all (maybe) have just one physical strength — be it our eye color, height, weight, facial features, hair, etc. It’s important to focus on highlighting that one feature and abandon attempts to hide everything else.

There is a horrifying trend of wearing black and grey suits to business interviews to make one stand out as an “ideal” candidate. However, what it really does is make us easily forgettable. After a long hard day of sifting through many candidates, who would recall that 5th girl who ALSO wore black pants, a black blazer, and a white blouse? Replacing that look with a flowy dress or skirt, a colorful hat/cap, or a radiant scarf will make any candidate stand out visually and mentally from others around them.

Black has more stationary and unlively energy attached to it. It’s a color that says leave me alone, I don’t want to be bothered, and it gives anonymity. Everything is vibration and frequency. Even colors emit energy, although we often are unaware of this and may not feel it at the moment. With that in mind, black isn’t even a color but rather the absence of all colors. So what exactly do you emit when gravitating toward black? And is it what you truly want or what you were persuaded into?

Benefits of Color
So go ahead and pick a color. ANY color will do. Just leave that black and grey at home! While it’s more daring and jarring to wear color, it does a few things for you:

  • Increased Confidence — fake it til you make it. Wearing color makes you appear like a confident individual, even if you are not one.
  • High Energy — You will neither radiate nor attract beautiful things into your life if you resemble Darth Vader’s cousin.
  • Memorable Image — you leave a lasting first impression, even if you only deviate from your greyscale trend once.
  • Fun Persona — Wearing color won’t make you look 30 lbs bigger, but you will appear 30 times more likely to be fun!
Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

A plus-size woman dressed in black will not draw much attention to herself. And that exactly is the problem — she will appear bland and unnoticeable. What we want to come across is refreshing and inspirational. Wearing more bright, colorful, and exciting clothing will inspire our mood and actions. Fun accessories, bold jewelry, and creative hair scarves or hair pins will bring a breath of fresh air into any look.

This advice also relates to men as most popular male suits, blouses, and t-shirts come in dark hues of brown, grey, and variations of black. Wearing colors, even if it’s just a colorful tie or socks, will make you stand out and be more interesting to others.

bridget bartos on Unsplash

Baby Steps

If you still struggle to let go of black clothes, a helpful tip on how to ease into it is to update your shoes, purses, and hats for colorful ones. It’s an easier change to adjust to than updating your entire wardrobe.

  • Shoes are the most used black piece of clothing, with bags being a close runner-up. Replace your black shoes and bags with beige, caramel, or light brown matching shoes.
  • If you still prefer dark, try switching to darker shades of blue, green, or red.
  • Feeling shy to switch up your clothes? Just throw on a bright, colorful scarf or glasses.

The most important thing to remember when getting dressed is that we do not need to hide our flaws, to appear more attractive. What makes a person attractive is their energy, their light — so show yours off and let it shine!



Orthodox Girl
Fashion Police

#Orthodox Christian culture, history, traditions and other passion topics.