Complexion Rescue — Bare Minerals

All of what you need. None of what you don’t.

Lisa Cangialosi
5 min readMar 27, 2019


Hellooooo “Complexion Rescue” (also pictured: mineral veil setting powder)

I’m going to try really really hard not to make this sound like a glorified infomercial. Ya know, those ones that are all like “if you call right now, you’ll get this shit, that shit, and the other shit all for $29.99 and free shipping!” Love those, don’t you? No no, I’m simply going to describe this wonderful product you (and I) didn’t know we needed.

It all started when I made the decision I was tired of layering on foundation everyday during my morning routine. I don’t need a “done up” look everyday. Blend here, blur there. Twenty minutes later, and OH LOOK, we’re all done, but now I barely have time to grab a rice cake before I have to run out the door. I longed to be one of those girls who could wake-up, cleanse, throw on moisturizer, but my acne/rosacea stared and laughed at me when I looked in the mirror. I’ve tried just throwing concealer on, but that didn’t do the trick.

Being a chick with oily skin SUCKS. Yeah, I guess things could be worse, but if you grew up with oily, acne-prone skin, you understand the pain. The feeling of simply HAVING to cover-up because otherwise, people aren’t looking at you, they’re looking at your flaws. And before you think it, I’m just going to say it because I know someone’s reading this going, “well stop wearing make-up, and your face would be better” Let’s all have a laugh. Okay, moving on…I finally told myself, that I want to try give less of a f*ck about trying to completely cover-up. I just wanted a product that would at least give some coverage and even out skin-tone, and this product, “Complexion Rescue,” by Bare Minerals, does just what I’ve been asking for!

Pictured above is myself with just the “Complexion Rescue” and some concealer for under my eyes and for any areas I wanted a little more coverage. The consistency of the formula is creamy, but a little on the watery-side (not necessarily a bad thing). What drew me to this product is the fact that (according to Bare Minerals’ site) it’s formulated w/o parabens, phthalates, fragrance, chemical sunscreens, and a bunch of other bad sh!t you don’t want on your skin! It is also cruelty free. They have a bunch of shades to choose from, and something I want to stress is to take your time choosing the shade! I was literally in Ulta for so long swatching shades. I like to see how the product dries. Luckily, there wasn’t much oxidation. I was stuck between the shades “Vanilla” and “Cashew.” I went with “cashew” because, quite frankly, they were sold out of the other shade, and I wanted to try this “hydrating gel cream” like yesterday. I figured I could always return if I needed to — Ulta’s good like that!

I feel that a little goes a long way with this product. It can really be applied in a variety of ways. I tend to use my fingers a lot to place the product all of over my face. I let my foundation brush do the work to blend a bit more. You could dish out the extra cash for the brush Bare Minerals recommends using, but that’s up to you. I did not feel the need for it.

“I actually don’t find myself reaching for my Mac Pro-Longwear foundation.”

The coverage is great. It is a little less creamy, but you still get a light to medium coverage. Being that I’m cursed with oily skin, I always finish my look with the Mineral Veil setting powder, by Bare Minerals. I swear by this powder. Keeps me lookin fresh all day, errrrday, ya dig? I feel like I’m wearing nothing — it’s great. For those peeps on the dryer side, I recommend skipping the setting powder for a more dewy finish.

FULL FACE: daily makeup look using complexion rescue (no other foundation)

After two weeks of using this product, I feel like my complexion really has been rescued — pun intended. My face is softer — the acne scarring has gone down, and my overall tone is just lovely. I actually don’t find myself reaching for my Mac Pro-Longwear foundation. Super weird for me, as I’ve worn this foundation daily. I have absolutely nothing against it. It’s a great foundation, and has been working wonderfully for me, but I really am happy to have a new product that cuts down my daily makeup routine by half. Amazing.

As far as cons go…hmmm. I don’t have many. The only thing I will say is that the formula is very hydrating, may be too much at times, but honestly, that’s not a deal breaker for me. I thought it would make my skin more oily, but I feel that it actually did the opposite? If that makes sense. GOSH DARNIT THIS PRODUCT JUST ROCKS. LOL

Moral of the story? Save your face. Save your time. Complexion Rescue. You’re welcome.

Fashionablee yours ❤


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Lisa Cangialosi

I’m a simple Jersey Girl. I enjoy mom and pop shops, especially if I can get a good cup of a coffee. This is where I tell my story. ❤