Time & Fashion

A simple overview

3 min readMay 5, 2018


What Time really is.

Not just the “unit of clocks”

“In the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes”.


Photo Credit — Pinterest // A. Warhol

Clearly, this quote is super interesting and modern in the current state of the world: the digital world.

Time is the most important gift you can give to one person. To say you don’t have time means you’re not interested.

So, why not turning this concept into a real thing? making everyone have their own 15 minutes. Literally.

In our mind and heart, Time needed to be the new currency of nowadays social media reality: Attention and Interest rule the social media world. No more likes, thanks. Think in seconds!

That’s when we decided to apply the concept of Time to…


Indeed, these two concepts are linked to each other.

What Fashion really is.

Not just a “piece of cloth”

“Fashion wasn’t what you wore someplace…It was the whole reason for going”


Photo Credit — Artimage

Fashion is more than a piece of cloth: it’s how you express your personality. How you want to present yourself to the world. It’s who you are, who you were and who you’re gonna be.

However, “The like” tends to bring down or over-boost the expressive esteem of lots of people.

Fashion is an art of self-expression, the outfit of confidence, a choice that you make every day.

Every single day you decide how to present yourself to the world when you go out. Sometimes, you are confident, sometimes not, sometimes you don’t care.

The truth is that no matter if you don’t wear a suit&tie: if you are cool with what you wear and how you wear it, if you develop your swag (even with the extra help of others), your personality, your way of expressing yourself, if you are 100% YOU…you can give 100% of YOU to the world and have an impact.

That’s why Fashion is more than wearing something.

It’s about you, how you wear something, what you do within a context or environment, the people around you. Everyone wears the same thing on their own terms.

In our mind and heart:

Fashion is not liking something. It’s more like paying attention to something, being interested in something. Time is key in Fashion. Time is what defines Fashion.

Everyone can be Fashion, without the pressure to please others and by knowing that you cannot please everyone.

Ps. FashTime is on Instagram ;)

FashTime is young (funded) tech-startup on a mission to make fashion-digital disruptions that drive the world forward. We see a stronger world connected through Fashion and Time. Follow us on Instagram :)




Bringing the power & monetary value of time to social media users & brands, in the fashion lifestyle market.