A Smart 5-Step Guide to Solid Decision-Making

Our days are filled with all sorts of tiny decisions made on the fly, but what happens when it comes to the big ones? This tech CEO lays out the process that works for him.

Fast Company
Fast Company


By Todd McKinnon

Before I was a CEO, I made decisions faster. Now that I have the final call on many critical decisions that will affect my entire company and its future, I spend much more of my time pondering them and thinking about their downstream effects.

I’m often asked about my decision-making process — the backstory behind what goes into every choice, large and small, that I make at Okta. Here’s a look into my tried and true five-step process that helps me delegate, think through, and reevaluate the most important ones.

Identify Which Decisions to Pass Off

My role as a CEO comes down to five or six critical decisions I have to get right each year and how I operate around them. But hundreds of other smaller decisions arrive on my desk each day that have to be thought through, which means I need to delegate efficiently to other team members.

I like to classify decisions into two distinct tracks: quick choices and bigger…



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