Unravelling the Impact and Evolution of Natural Language Processing: A Look at NLP’s Journey and Future Scope

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Natural Language Processing in Our Everyday Lives

Thomas Wood
Fast Data Science
2 min readSep 26, 2023


Natural Language Processing: An Overview by Fast Data Science

If you’ve ever asked Siri, ChatGPT, or Google Bard a question, used Google Translate or Midjourney, or have your emails automatically sorted into categories like “Work” or “Social”, then you’ve benefited from Natural Language Processing (NLP). But what is NLP, and why is it crucial in our tech-centric world?

What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural Language Processing or NLP is a field of AI that enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. This spectacular technology unlocks possibilities such as translation between languages, semantic understanding, and even conversational AI, like chatbots or virtual assistants.

NLP allows machines to interact with people in a much more natural, friendly manner, bypassing the limitations of direct, command-line interfaces. To understand more about Natural Language Processing, check this detailed guide to NLP.

How Does NLP work?

We can divide NLP tasks into two broad areas:

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU) includes tasks such as language identification, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and semantic role labelling.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG) includes text summarisation, question answering, and generative models such as GPT-3.

Both NLU and NLG involve complex algorithms, leveraging machine learning and deep learning technologies.

Applications of NLP

The potential applications for NLP are vast and far-reaching. Here are just a few:

  1. Automated customer service: Companies employ NLP-driven bots to provide real-time responses to customer queries, offering a level of service that would be impossible with human operators.
  2. Market sentiment analysis: By analysing social media comments and other public texts, businesses can gauge public sentiment towards their brand or product.
  3. Content recommendation: By understanding a user’s language usage and the sorts of content they engage with, NLP can provide personalised content recommendations.
  4. Medical & Legal document parsing: NLP is invaluable within legal and medical industries, where massive amounts of data need parsing and understanding.
  5. Spam detection: Almost every email client uses NLP to detect and filter out spam messages.
  6. Personal assistants: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are well-known examples of NLP at work, processing voice commands into actions.


Natural Language Processing represents a significant leap forward for machine understanding of human language. This technology has broad applications and opens up exciting possibilities for the future. To find out how NLP can aid your business, visit our NLP consultant page or get in touch with us.

At Fast Data Science, we strive to make complex data science technologies accessible and valuable to everyone. Explore our range of data science offerings and see how we can help you thrive in the age of AI.



Thomas Wood
Fast Data Science

Data science consultant at www.fastdatascience.com. I am interested in all things AI and natural language processing. www.freelancedatascientist.net