What You Should Eat Instead

Mitchell McConnell
Fast Food is it Worth it?
2 min readDec 10, 2018

We all get it everyone loves fast food. Fast food is also super easy to get too and it’s cheap. Sadly fast food is not to good for our bodies but there are many different foods you can eat instead of all that fast food. It’s not just food we are talking about drinks also come into play here. Instead of drinking soda or other sugary drinks drink water, low-fat milk, or 100% juice. If you don’t like drinking milk you can put it over a whole-grain cereal! Now onto the heather food options. Eat lots of fruit! You can even but a stick of low-fat cheese in there with it. Some other ones are tubes/cartons of yogurt, cut veggie with any low-fat dip, sliced bananas, peanut butter to go with crackers, and single-serve cans of tuna. But that’s not all you can even throw some trail mix, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, pretzels, or cereal with a few chocolate chips in there too. Those are just some good snacks but lets say you are going to be on the road for awhile and you get hungry. People tend to crave fast food more when they are driving. Instead of going for the fast food you can tuck a small 8x10-inch insulated cooler in the back of your car. It doesn’t just help with you being hungry and not having to go buy something it also save you time an money so instead of having to wait in a drive through you can eat and still be on the road at the same time! There are many other heather foods you can eat out there but these are just a few. Next time you our on the road so no to the fast food!

